Trump leaving lasting legacy throughout judiciary

President Trump is not only poised to put his conservative imprint on the Supreme Court, but he's restocking vacancies throughout lower US courts at a historic clip, ensuring a judicial legacy that will last decades. Trump has appointed 44 judges since taking office - including more appellate judges than any president in American history at this point in their tenure.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Takes Shots At Trump, Hits Hillary Instead

Senator Fauxcahontas made an interesting point while going completely off the reservation during a commencement speech Hillary during a speech at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, offering suggestions for specific causes graduates could get more involved in. "I'm trying to keep this apolitical but I can't help myself the principle that no one, no one in this country is above the law and we need a Justice Department, not an obstruction of justice department ," Warren said.

Your View:

Recently, I received a letter notifying me that I was registered to vote, not for an upcoming election, but for the long-past March Massachusetts presidential primary. At first I found this comical, but then it got me thinking: What if this letter had informed me that my registration was inaccurate? What if my address was wrong, or my name was misspelled? Unfortunately, the answer is simple: My absentee ballot might not have been counted.