International stars revive Egyptian tourism

For almost six years, we had missed that enthusiasm and excitement of hosting our favorite celebrities and seeing their photos around the pyramids, between monumental temple pillars in Luxor, or even lounging at our beautiful, sunny beaches. Egypt's iconic monuments and paramount history have placed it on the top of most - if not all - international figures' bucket lists, from the year one; Agatha Christie , Patricia NIXON and U.S. President Richard Nixon , Louis Armstrong , Muhammed Ali , Amitabh Bachchan , Princess Diana , Shakira , Barack Obama , Salma Hayek , Paris Hilton , Van Diesel , and many more.

Sicko terrorist Lynne Stewart: Still hating cops

Freed from prison two years ago on "compassionate release" after being diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, the flaming 76-year-old radical still is championing left-wing massacres against the police. Translation: Sicko Grandma Stewart - as unrepentant and unapologetic as the rest of her rotten hippie pals in the bloodthirsty Weather Underground, Black Liberation Army and Black Panther movement - continues to endorse murdering her ideological enemies in the name of peace and social justice.

Debris of the balloon is seen in a field near Lockhart, Texas. Photo: Xinhua

'It went up like a big fireball': witness heard popping sounds before hot air balloon crashed near power lines in Texas killing 16 The accident on a rural field in central Texas occurred about three years after 19 people, including nine Hongkongers, were killed in a hot-air balloon crash in Luxor, Egypt A hot air balloon burst into flames over central Texas after apparently striking power lines and plunged into a field, killing all 16 people aboard in one of the deadliest such accidents on record, police and eyewitnesses said. The Federal Aviation Administration said the fiery crash occurred at about 7:40 a.m. Saturday near Lockhart, a town about 50km south of Austin, the Texas capital.