FBI more interested in suing Apple than accessing San Bernardino evidence, members of Congress say

The FBI was more interested in forcing Apple to unlock the San Bernardino shooter's cellphone rather look at other options in a time-sensitive investigation, a group of bipartisan members of Congress said Friday. In a letter to FBI Directory Christopher Wray, the representatives said the bureau was more interested in squeezing Apple than cracking the case.

Angry voters flood town halls of GOP lawmakers – Sun, 12 Feb 2017 PST

People react to Rep. Jason Chaffetz as he speaks during a town hall meeting at Brighton High School on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017, in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Hundreds of people lined up early for the town hall with Chaffetz on Thursday evening, many holding signs criticizing the congressman's push to repeal the newly-named Bears Ears National Monument in southern Utah.

GOP lawmakers face angry, worried constituents at town halls

The voter identified himself as a cancer survivor, and he had something to say to Republican Rep. Justin Amash: "I am scared to death that I will not have health insurance in the future." The comment earned 61-year-old retiree Paul Bonis a standing ovation from the crowd packed into a school auditorium in Amash's Michigan district Thursday night.