GOP: Special Election Victories Boost Trump’s Legislative Agenda

Republican Karen Handel's victory in the House race in Georgia and GOP wins in three other special elections have given a boost to President Donald Trump's legislative agenda, The Hill reported. Handel beat Democrat Jon Ossoff on Tuesday in a hotly contested race seen as a referendum on Trump and his policies.

Emboldened Democrats look ahead to next fight

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer , House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi , Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. Joe Crowley , and Rep. James Clyburn hold a news conference in the House Visitors Center following following the withdrawal of the House Republican healthcare bill on March 24. WASHINGTON - Rep. Mark Walker, chairman of a conservative group in the House called the Republican Study Committee, predicted Friday would be a "good moment" for Democrats. Moments later, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that Republicans were nixing their high-stakes health care bill after failing to get enough support from within their own party.

How Hope Hicks trapped into saying she told ‘white lies’ for Trump

Hicks spent nine hours testifying Tuesday to the House Intelligence Committee and admitted to telling 'white lies' for Trump The 29-year-old former model was Trump's right-hand woman first at his company, then on the campaign trail and in the West Wing Resigning White House communications director Hope Hicks admitted in closed testimony to telling 'white lies' on behalf of President Trump after getting asked a broad question that a GOP panel member complained Thursday was a 'trap.' The 'white lies' comment emerged in the hours after Hicks got grilled for nine hours at the House Intelligence committee this week - and reports about it reportedly caused Trump to give her a tongue lashing.

Trump calls intelligence briefing on Russian hacking ‘constructive’

President-elect Donald Trump said Friday he had a "constructive meeting and conversation" with the country's top intelligence officials who briefed him on alleged Russian election-related hacking. "I have tremendous respect for the work and service done by the men and women of this community to our great nation," Trump said in a statement after the meeting.

Swalwell meets with troops, diplomats during overseas trip

U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell had lunch with U.S. service members from Northern California while visiting South Korea on a House Intelligence Committee trip last week. Pleasanton's Congressman Eric Swalwell returned last weekend from a congressional trip to Japan and South Korea as part of a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence delegation.

California Millennials could cast decisive votes

As they come of age and register to vote, Millennials - that enormous generation born since 1981-are surging so fast they're on the verge of overtaking the Baby Boomer behemoth as a share of the California electorate. And new evidence confirms that, so far at least, the GOP is losing them.