ARRL Executive Committee Hears Updates on Parity Act, FCC Petitions, Small Satellites

Meeting on April 21 in Windsor, Connecticut, the ARRL Executive Committee heard a status update on several regulatory matters and the Amateur Radio Parity Act from ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD. Imlay reported that ARRL continues to work multiple avenues in its efforts to secure passage of the Parity Act.

Will the Gov succeed in pulling the ILGOP further left? State Central Committee elections next test

Illinois Republican voters were split 51 to 49 percent between a liberal Republican incumbent governor and a conservative state representative in the March 20th primary. The results revealed a dramatic contrast between the party leaders and the GOP base.

Tom Kacich | Madigan treating Democratic committeewoman hopeful like foe

Pamella Gronemeyer, who is running for the low-profile position of Democratic state central committeewoman in the 13th Congressional District, hasn't promised to try to unseat longtime Democratic Party Chairman Michael Madigan. But one of Madigan's campaign committees, Friends of Michael J. Madigan, has paid for robocalls by Sen. Dick Durbin and AFL-CIO President Mike Carrigan that endorse Gronemeyer's opponent, Jayne Mazzotti of Taylorville.

Kinzinger: Bump stocks should be banned; Congress needs to find middle ground

In the wake of the Florida school shooting killing 17 people, U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger said the aisles of Congress need to find common ground on gun control. The Channahon Republican, who's running for re-election in the 16th Congressional District, told the Sauk Valley Media Editorial Board on Thursday that gun control is a bipartisan issue that needs to be approached outside of the far-leaning stances, the "ban all guns" or "do nothing" sides of the spectrum.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Lawmakers may pass spending measure without immigration deal

Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Wednesday that even if a deal on immigration isn't reached by Friday, lawmakers may still be able to pass a funding measure. "I think if the outlines of the deal come forward and it appears we're going to be able get to something, then maybe at that point we'll get to a clean CR," Mr. Kinzinger, Illinois Republican, said on CNN.

Trump’s Fractured Relationship With Congress Causes GOP Dread

President Trump speaks as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., looks on during a meeting with House and Senate leadership at the White House in June. Getty Images hide caption President Trump speaks as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., looks on during a meeting with House and Senate leadership at the White House in June.

Kinzinger on Trump Rhetoric: ‘Why Not Give It a Shot?’

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., said he was surprised at the "hysteria" over President Donald Trump's "fire and fury" rhetoric against North Korea. "This is how North Korea talks, so why not give it a shot to say, 'You talk about fire and fury, you say you are going to bury the United States in fire and fury? Hey, we got some fire and fury for you, too, if you want to play that game,'" Kinzinger said Wednesday on CNN's "New Day."

House decisively passes sanctions bill curbing Trump’s power

Eager to punish Russia for meddling in the 2016 election, the House on Tuesday overwhelmingly backed a new package of sanctions against Moscow that prohibits President Donald Trump from waiving the penalties without first getting permission from Congress. Lawmakers passed the legislation, 419-3, clearing the far-reaching measure for action by the Senate.

Republican lawmakers rally around Sessions as Trump intensifies pressure

Top Republican lawmakers rallied to the defense of Jeff Sessions on Tuesday as allies of the attorney general said President Donald Trump appeared to be trying to pressure him to quit by repeatedly criticizing him on Twitter and in interviews. Trump said again he was frustrated that Sessions had recused himself from the federal investigation into possible collusion between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia and said he would not have appointed him had he known he would do so.

PHOTO: The Marines tweeted this photo on June 23, 2017, in honor of Take Your Dog to Work Day.

Lawmakers, branches of the armed forces and federal departments populated their Twitter timelines Friday with pooch pics in honor of Take Your Dog to Work Day, also referred to as Bring Your Dog to Work Day. The day was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International, a North Carolina-based educational association for professional pet sitters, to encourage business owners to allow dogs in the workplace.

GOP: Special Election Victories Boost Trump’s Legislative Agenda

Republican Karen Handel's victory in the House race in Georgia and GOP wins in three other special elections have given a boost to President Donald Trump's legislative agenda, The Hill reported. Handel beat Democrat Jon Ossoff on Tuesday in a hotly contested race seen as a referendum on Trump and his policies.

Kinzinger: Ad ‘completely false’

An attorney for U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger is asking TV stations to stop running negative advertisements against the congressman. The ads by the Club for Growth, a Washington-based conservative group, contend that Kinzinger, R-Channahon, is standing in the way of President Donald Trump's efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare.