House candidate Spanberger raises $3.6 million in latest…

Democrat Abigail Spanberger, in a tight race with Rep. Dave Brat, R, raised nearly $3.6 million over the past three months - a record quarter in Virginia's 7th Congressional District and more than the $2.8 million Brat raised for his last two campaigns combined. Spanberger announced her third-quarter fundraising total Sunday, ahead of a Monday night deadline.

Trump missteps fuel new energy in Democrats’ campaigns

As Democratic congressional candidate Abigail Spanberger mingled with supporters at a Richmond brewery, one person hung like a shadow over the gleaming brew tanks and grilled food truck pizza. As they watched their kids play with Legos in the corner of the bar Wednesday night, Kristen Martin and William Caulder grumbled about President Donald Trump's latest scandal, a controversial news conference with Russia's president.

Ryan won’t run for re-election as GOP worries about midterms

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan will not run for re-election, his office announced Wednesday, injecting another layer of uncertainty as Republicans face worries over losing their majority in the fall. Ryan's plans have been the source of much speculation and will set off a scramble among his lieutenants to take the helm.

Congress will try again on immigration reform – but will this time be different?

Demonstrators outside the Capitol rally during the federal shutdown in support of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the program that protects so-called Dreamers from deportation. Demonstrators outside the Capitol rally during the federal shutdown in support of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the program that protects so-called Dreamers from deportation.

Trump’s DACA plan would pass hot potato to Congress

A plan President Donald Trump is expected to announce Tuesday for young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children was embraced by some top Republicans on Monday and denounced by others as the beginning of a "civil war" within the party. The response was an immediate illustration of the potential battles ahead if Trump follows through with a plan that would hand a political hot potato to Republicans on the Hill who have a long history of dropping it.

Trump’s DACA plan seen passing hot potato to Congress, sparking ‘civil war’ within GOP

Supporters of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, chant slogans and hold signs while joining a Labor Day rally in downtown Los Angeles on Monday. President Donald Trump is expected to announce this week that he will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, but with a six-month delay, according to two people familiar with the decision-making.

GOP doubts and anxieties about Trump burst into the open

In this Aug. 15, 2017, photo, President Donald Trump points to members of the media as he answers questions in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York. Trump's racially fraught comments about a deadly neo-Nazi rally have thrust into the open some Republicans' deeply held doubts about his competency and temperament, in an extraordinary public airing of worries and grievances about a sitting president by his own party.

Both Bush presidents condemn anti-Semitism in Charlottesville

George W. Bush speaking at a conference at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, June 23, 2017. Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush issued a joint statement rejecting "racial bigotry, anti-Semitism, and hatred in all forms."

Republican lawmakers rally around Sessions as Trump intensifies pressure

Top Republican lawmakers rallied to the defense of Jeff Sessions on Tuesday as allies of the attorney general said President Donald Trump appeared to be trying to pressure him to quit by repeatedly criticizing him on Twitter and in interviews. Trump said again he was frustrated that Sessions had recused himself from the federal investigation into possible collusion between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia and said he would not have appointed him had he known he would do so.

Almanac for Saturday, June 10, 2017

Those born on this date are under the sign of Gemini. They include actor Hattie McDaniel, the first African-American to win an Oscar , in 1895; Broadway composer Frederick Loewe in 1901; Nobel literature laureate Saul Bellow in 1915; Britain's Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, in 1921 ; Hollywood icon Judy Garland in 1922; children's author/illustrator Maurice Sendak in 1928; attorney F. Lee Bailey in 1933 ; football Hall of Fame member Dan Fouts in 1951 ; actor Andrew Stevens in 1955 ; model/actor Elizabeth Hurley in 1965 ; Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal in 1971 ; Olympic figure skater Tara Lipinski in 1982 ; actor Leelee Sobieski in 1983 .

Liberal activists warn partya s lawmakers: Primaries are coming

Frustrated by the party's performance on Capitol Hill and emboldened by the mass protests against President Donald Trump, a coalition of progressive groups say they are open to supporting primary challengers next year against Democratic members of the House and Senate - even if many inside the party believe that intra-party races might ultimately only help the Republican Party gain more power. The organizations, many run by former members of Bernie Sanders' insurgent presidential campaign, say they haven't drafted a list of targets just yet.

Dave Brat projected to win re-election in 7th District US House race

Republican Dave Brat is projected to win re-election in the 7th District US House of Representatives race, according to the AP.? Brat is best known for unseating then House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in 2014. He moved to Central Virginia in 1996 to teach economics at Randolph-Macon College.

Sleazy ‘Scam PACs’ Hurt GOP Candidates Again This Cycle With Fake Fundraising

A crop of conservatively named super PACs has arisen in recent years, which serve to do little but pad their own coffers during election season. The moneymakers behind the scam organizations appeal to the conservative base with long-shot candidates who have no chance at toppling powerful Republican incumbents, by disguising their actual chances.