Illinois congressional members selected to hash out farm bill

Three members of Illinois' Congressional delegation will be behind closed doors when lawmakers hash out the reconciliation of the farm bill that passed the House with the version approved by the Senate. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a farm bill, and the Senate passed a similar but different one.

Two states poised to celebrate Route 66’s centennial in 2026

Today, when the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a bill to set up a federal-level 100th anniversary commission for Route 66, two Midwestern states also are poised to set up their commissions to mark the road's centennial in 2026. Under legislation signed by then-Gov. Eric Greitens, Missouri is set to form an 18-member commission to plan and sponsor a centennial observance in 2026 for the Mother Road, which stretches 2,400 miles from Chicago to Los Angeles.

DCCC chair Lujan said Trump will ‘talk about himself more than anyone else will’

House Democrats are searching for a path to pick up 23 seats to win back control of the chamber and seats held by four Illinois Republicans are part of the House political shop's 104-district battlefield. That battlefield will shrink as it gets closer to November with the most resources from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and its allies going to the strongest Democrat House challengers.

Tom Kacich | Madigan treating Democratic committeewoman hopeful like foe

Pamella Gronemeyer, who is running for the low-profile position of Democratic state central committeewoman in the 13th Congressional District, hasn't promised to try to unseat longtime Democratic Party Chairman Michael Madigan. But one of Madigan's campaign committees, Friends of Michael J. Madigan, has paid for robocalls by Sen. Dick Durbin and AFL-CIO President Mike Carrigan that endorse Gronemeyer's opponent, Jayne Mazzotti of Taylorville.

Tom Kacich: Cross-partisan group endorses Ebel’s integrity

Jon Ebel of Urbana, one of five Democrats seeking to run against U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis next fall, has received the endorsement of a cross-partisan group dedicated to more integrity and civility in politics and to getting more military veterans into Congress. The group, called With Honor, last week announced its support for five Republicans and four Democrats running in March primaries.

Tom Kacich: Fired Cunningham Township workers say they’re owed money

The controversial firing of two veteran deputy assessors by Cunningham Township Assessor Wayne Williams has taken a new turn with the female former employees claiming that they are owed more money than Williams has paid them. Williams, who was elected assessor unopposed last year and took office on Jan. 1, immediately dismissed Jamie Willard, the chief deputy assessor, and Kim Hooper, a deputy assessor.

Report shows federal bloat in Illinois

A new searchable map of government bloat shows there are almost as many federal government employees in Illinois as there are state employees, and their benefits are generous. 's latest project, "Mapping The Swamp: A Study of the Administrative State," allows visitors to search their ZIP code to find out how many federal employees are in their backyard.

You Do Uterus: Female leadership key to institutional change

Earlier this week, I was thrilled to publish a letter to the editor from UCLA's undergraduate student government president about female leadership and the representation of women. It's a topic that's not only close to my heart, but also of profound relevance as report after report surfaces of men in positions of power - in Hollywood, on Capitol Hill, everywhere - abusing their power to sexually exploit those who lack the resources to fight back.

Jim Dey: Death, taxes and confusion

In the aftermath of U.S. House passage of federal tax legislation last week, the partisan rhetoric escalated into overdrive. Republicans touted the legislation as a tax-cutting tonic for middle-income earners while Democrats argued the legislation will raise taxes for the same people.

House to adopt mandatory anti-sexual harassment training

Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that the House will require anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training for all members and their staffs. The announcement came just hours after a hearing in which two female lawmakers spoke about sexual misconduct involving sitting members of Congress.

Training is ‘ first step’ in stopping sexual harassment in the House, lawmakers say

Rep. Barbara Comstock , seen here in 2016, was among the members of Congress speaking out about a culture of harassment on Capitol Hill at a hearing Nov. 14. First came the flood of social-media posts from former and current congressional employees who were sexually harassed on the job. Then came more than 1,500 names of former congressional staffers urging Congress to fix the problem.

Illinois ranks among top for human trafficking cases

Human trafficking is one of the most under reported crimes, but according to UNICEF U.S.A., it is also the second largest crime industry in the world. Among the human trafficking cases, according to the Human Trafficking Hotline, the vast majority of those cases are sex trafficking.

Vietnam Veteran receives Long Overdue Bronze Star

October 19 - An honor long overdue was awarded to one Vietnam Veteran Thursday morning at the Illinois National Guard Army Aviation Support Facility at the Decatur Airport. From August 1971, to March 1972, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Kenneth Carlock served as an artillery forward observer, which from the very front lines, advised his commander on artillery fire support.

Navy confirms downstate sailor among those missing from USS McCain

The U.S. Navy has identified a sailor from the USS McCain whose remains were recovered after a crash earlier this week, and it has released the names of nine other sailors still missing, including a man from downstate Illinois. The Illinois man, Logan Stephen Palmer, 23, a Third Class Interior Communications Electrician, went missing after the McCain crashed into an oil tanker near Singapore earlier this week, according to a news release from the Navy.

Illinois congressman displays shrapnel as he urges: ‘Tone down this rhetoric’

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., describes for reporters on Capitol Hill the scene during a shooting at a congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Va., on June 14, 2017. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., describes for reporters on Capitol Hill the scene during a shooting at a congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Va., on June 14, 2017.

LUPICA: GOP won’t budge on gun debate – even after Va. shooting

This is how Sen. Rand Paul, who was at the ballfield in Alexandria, Va., when the shooting started early Wednesday morning, described the first moments of an active shooter firing away, this time at members of Congress: "The first shot was kind of an isolated shot and everybody kind of looks up and says, 'Hey, what's that?'" It was the sound of more gunfire in America, is what it was. It was gunfire that will now command the attention of not just some politicians in Washington, but all of them.