Jim Dey: Death, taxes and confusion

In the aftermath of U.S. House passage of federal tax legislation last week, the partisan rhetoric escalated into overdrive. Republicans touted the legislation as a tax-cutting tonic for middle-income earners while Democrats argued the legislation will raise taxes for the same people.

Rep. Davis: ‘This could be the first political rhetorical terrorist attack’

The shooting at a GOP congressional baseball practice Wednesday could have been motivated by heightened partisanship, a Republican congressman who survived the attack told CNN. "This could be the first political rhetorical terrorist attack and that has to stop," Rep. Rodney Davis told CNN's Brianna Keilar.

Lawmaker who introduced HB2 repeal bill questions bill’s future

The North Carolina lawmaker who introduced a bill to repeal the controversial House Bill 2 has called into question the bill's future after the bill was moved to a House committee. The bill seeks to fully repeal HB2 and update the state's non-discrimination laws to match federal protections.