National Military Family Association and Elizabeth Dole Foundation…

The National Military Family Association , a nonprofit that works to strengthen military families, and the Elizabeth Dole Foundation , an organization that empowers, supports, and honors our nation's military caregivers, today hosted a forum focused on the children of caregivers. Participants worked together to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by these children and produce a shared action plan that will serve as the basis for future programming and support.

Statement of Senator Elizabeth Dole on Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin

Senator Elizabeth Dole, founder of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation and advocate for military and veteran caregivers, releases statement regarding the VA Office of Inspector General Report Senator Elizabeth Dole, founder of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation and advocate for military and veteran caregivers, released the following statement today on behalf of the Foundation, regarding the VA Office of Inspector General Report: "Secretary Shulkin recently acknowledged that mistakes were made with respect to the use of travel funds, and has since apologized and committed to addressing the issues highlighted in the VA Inspector General report. It is now time to move forward.

Hot-button issues reign on TV

All you have to do is turn on your TV and watch the political commercials featuring such sexually-laden issues as rape, sexual offenders and men going into girls' locker rooms. The ads have mainly been run by Republican incumbents Sen. Richard Burr and Gov. Pat McCrory or their allies, who are fending off difficult Democratic challenges.

Alvarado, Hagan to stump for Trump, Clinton at Fancy Farm

Organizers say state Sen. Ralph Alvarado will speak in support of Republican Donald Trump while former U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina will speak for Hillary Clinton on Saturday. Alvarado, who is Hispanic, made a plea to Latino voters to vote for Trump during the Republican National Convention.