Elevator trouble closes Washington Monument indefinitely

The Washington Monument will be closed indefinitely because of ongoing problems with its elevator, the latest in a series of woes for one of the city's most enduring tourist attractions. The National Park Service announced Monday that the monument, which draws 600,000 visitors a year, will remain closed until its elevator control system can be modernized, a process expected to take up to nine months once work begins.

Trumps Donated To Pols Pushing Hotel BidBy Gideon Resnick

The family made its first and only contributions to D.C. politicians to a pair of powerful Democrats who pushed hard for the deal. The Trump Organization opened its latest property in Washington D.C. on Monday, four years after they first secured the rights - after Donald Trump and his children all donated as much as they could to D.C.'s mayor and representative in Congress, who were instrumental in the hotel's development.

Millennial View: Catherine Rampell – A new idea to close the gender wage gap might backfire

Like a lot of policies intended to help women and minorities, barring employers from asking job applicants about their salary histories sounds like a good idea. This proposal has proved popular among liberals, and legislation is set to be introduced in the House by three Democrats this week.

DC delegate, park service to discuss monument elevator woes

The District of Columbia's delegate to Congress has scheduled a meeting with National Park Service officials to discuss the frequent breakdowns of the Washington Monument's elevator. The monument is currently closed while the park service tried to figure out what's wrong with the elevator.

DC Delegate Blasts Metroa s Proposal to End Late-Night Service

Washington, D.C.'s member of Congress says permanently ending late-night service on the Metrorail system would hurt not only the local economy but also low-income residents who disproportionately work late shifts. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton , ranking member on the House Highways and Transit Subcommittee, blasted Metro's recent recommendation to close the subway earlier on weekends in order to keep up with long-term maintenance efforts.