In DC primary, minimum wage is the main topic of discussion

In this Tuesday, March 6, 2018, file photo, the sun peaks over the horizon next to the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial at daybreak along the Potomac River in Washington. Washington's primary is on Tuesday, June 19. FILE - In this Tuesday, March 6, 2018, file photo, the sun peaks over the horizon next to the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial at daybreak along the Potomac River in Washington.

Russia, health care, hurricanes and harassment: A look back at 2017 in politics

Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Melania Trump looks on during the 58th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017. Political news emerged from Washington, D.C. and beyond in 2017 at a seemingly breakneck pace.

Republicans Bashed This Budget Scorekeeper. Now Every Former Director Is Speaking Up

The U.S. Capitol building stands past visitors at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, July 11, 2017. Every former director of the Congressional Budget Office has signed a letter urging Congress to "respect" the agency, which has "Relying on CBO's estimates in the legislative process has served the Congressa S-a Sand the American peoplea S-a Svery well during the past four decades," concludes.

‘#MarchForTruth’ Kicks Off Demonstrations Over Russia Probe

Protesters gathered in New York City's Foley Square on Saturday to participate in a weekend demonstration against President Donald Trump called "#MarchForTruth," The Hill reported. New York is one of 150 cities across the country expected to participate in the rally, and protesters were also gathering on Saturday at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. Their objectives as outlined on Twitter call for an independent commission, which must operate with "transparency," to investigate ties between Trump and Russia.

Highs and lows of Trump’s first 100 days

Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Melania Trump looks on during the 58th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017. Protesters stream onto Independence Avenue at the Women's March on Washington during the first full day of Donald Trump's presidency, Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington.

Thousands join global rallies for science

From the Washington Monument to Germany's Brandenburg Gate and even to Greenland, scientists, students and research advocates rallied on an often soggy Earth Day, conveying a global message about scientific freedom without political interference, the need for adequate spending for future breakthroughs and just the general value of scientific pursuits. "We didn't choose to be in this battle, but it has come to the point where we have to fight because the stakes are too great," said Pennsylvania State University climate scientist Michael Mann, who regularly clashes with politicians.

Parkersburg girls join White House Easter Egg Roll

Photo Provided Rachel, McKenzie and Madeline Lore of Parkersburg pose with the Easter bunny during the White House's Easter Egg Roll on Monday in Washington, D.C. Photo Provided Madeline and McKenzie Lore of Parkersburg pose with the storybook character The Very Hungry Caterpillar during the White House's Easter Egg Roll on Monday in Washington, D.C. Photo Provided Rachel, Andrew, Madeline and McKenzie Lore of Parkersburg traveled to Washington, D.C., over the weekend to participate in the White House's Easter Egg Roll on Monday. WASHINGTON - A couple of girls from Parkersburg had the opportunity to participate in the White House's annual Easter Egg Roll this week.

Federal tax bill hits hardest in District of Columbia

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Mike Pence rallies anti-abortion March for Life crowd

Vice President Mike Pence told a crowd gathered Friday in Washington for the annual March for Life rally that ending taxpayer-funded abortion and choosing a Supreme Court justice who will uphold "God-given" liberties are among top priorities of the Trump administration. One of Trump's first official acts after taking office a week ago was to sign an executive order banning U.S. aid to foreign groups that provide abortions.

White House pushes ‘alternative facts.’ Here are the real ones.

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that the White House had put forth "alternative facts" to ones reported by the news media about the size of Trump's inauguration crowd. She made this assertion - which quickly went viral on social media - a day after Trump and Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, had accused the news media of reporting falsehoods about the inauguration and Trump's relationship with the intelligence agencies.

The Anti-Trump Uprising: Forging a Path Forward in Uncertain Times

As we prepare to enter a surreal new era of American politics, Greg Kafoury, one of the nation's most tenacious litigators and a longtime CounterPuncher, has stepped forward with a generous matching grant proposal for the last month of the year. Greg will match ALL donations of $25 and more up to a total of $5000.

Trump’s inauguration to test nation’s ability to heal

Construction continues on the presidential reviewing stand on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016. One thing you can count on during inauguration season in Washington: People of all stripes will find a reason to show up, whether it's to celebrate or commiserate.

Elevator trouble closes Washington Monument indefinitely

The Washington Monument will be closed indefinitely because of ongoing problems with its elevator, the latest in a series of woes for one of the city's most enduring tourist attractions. The National Park Service announced Monday that the monument, which draws 600,000 visitors a year, will remain closed until its elevator control system can be modernized, a process expected to take up to nine months once work begins.