Portsmouth FC fan swims naked around a fountain

Meghan and Harry pay tribute to Nelson Mandela as they tour new London exhibition dedicated to the life of the anti-apartheid hero and meet his granddaughter Heart-stopping bodycam footage shows a cop firing through his OWN windscreen and killing a murder suspect during a high speed chase Thanks Rand - you get it! Trump praises maverick Rand Paul who is his ONLY Republican defender over the Putin disaster Woman is IMPALED by a beach umbrella in New Jersey seaside resort after freak gust of wind drives it through her ankle Can YOU pick the odd one out? Quiz challenges players to find the one answer that's not like the others - and it's trickier than it seems Amazon Prime Day CHAOS: Thousands of Spanish warehouse workers strike in protest over fair wages and working conditions, with Amazon staff in Germany and Poland set to follow suit What REALLY happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke? An ... (more)

Ryan Lochte apologizes for his behavior on social media

U.S Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte has apologized for his behavior surrounding a late-night incident at a Rio de Janeiro gas station, saying he should have been more "careful and candid" about how he described what happened. Lochte said in a lengthy post on Instagram Friday that he was apologizing for his role in taking the focus away from other Olympic athletes.

Amid US Olympic success, Trump critics mock ‘we don’t win anymore’

Now a few of his critics have seized on the country's Olympic victories to turn the Republican nominee's signature line against him. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who alongside Texas Sen. Ted Cruz remains the most prominent GOP holdout on Trump, tweeted Friday night, "Someone said we don't win anymore.

Clinton Spends Big on Olympic Ads, With Trump on Sidelines

The Rio Olympics are in full swing: Michael Phelps is back to winning races in the pool, Simone Biles is running up the score in the gym and Hillary Clinton is advertising with eyes on doing just as well on Election Day. The Democratic presidential nominee is airing $13.6 million in campaign commercials during the Summer Games, seeking to reach the millions of television viewers who can't skip past the commercials as they watch live coverage of the Olympics.

Clinton’s spending big on Olympics TVs ads, Trump airs none

The Rio Olympics are in full swing: Michael Phelps is back to winning races in the pool, Simone Biles is running up the score in the gym and Hillary Clinton is advertising with eyes on doing just as well on Election Day. The Democratic presidential nominee is airing $13.6 million in campaign commercials during the Summer Games, seeking to reach the millions of television viewers who can't skip past the commercials as they watch live coverage of the Olympics.