VIDEO: Bill Weld a Shining Example of Why the Libertarian Party Is a Joke

If there is anyone who can claim the title of "Biggest Loser" this year, it's the Libertarian Party. While libertarianism in general has several excellent ideas for limiting the size and scope of government and expanding freedom and liberty, the candidates they regularly put forward are political jokes who are little more than advocates for abortion and legalizing drugs.

The Media’s Attempt to Be ‘Objective’ with Donald…

There's been a lot of ink, virtual and otherwise, spilled over the media's treatment of the Donald Trump Reality Show and Presidential Campaign Extravaganza, but over the past twenty-four hours, the excrement has become tangible in ways that it heretofore has not been. Whatever your politics, if you have ears, you know what Donald Trump meant when he said that "Second Amendment people" could do something about Hillary Clinton 's judicial appointments if she wins, and whether you view the comment as an incitement or a mere observation, it was a reckless and dangerous thing to say.