Cop, good Samaritans save special needs girl from drowning

By the time Deputy Jon Vosburgh arrived on the scene, the 4 year old was about 60 yards out and struggling to swim in Lake Ontario OLCOTT, N.Y. - The quick actions of good Samaritans and a Niagara County Sheriff's deputy saved a 4-year-old girl from drowning in Lake Ontario near Krull Park on Thursday morning. According to Niagara County Sheriff Jim Voutour, the girl, who is non-verbal and has special needs, wandered from her Main Street home sometime before 8 a.m. Voutour said he didn't know how the girl got the door open.

‘Help Me Grow’ child development program receives federal funding

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday the receipt of $2.1 million in federal funding that is earmarked to increase developmental skills among children and decrease maternal depression in the Western New York and Long Island regions. The state's Council on Children and Families will partner with the New York State Department of Health and local agencies on the projects to ultimately develop a statewide model for screening children earlier for developmental delays, screening their mothers for depression, and to provide needed services sooner to promote long-term success.