Trump pitch to black voters: a What the hell do you have to lose?a

Donald Trump drew new criticism from opponents this weekend over comments he said during a campaign stop outside Detroit on Friday where he asked for the support of black voters. "Look at how much African-American communities are suffering from Democratic control.

Trump to black voters: ‘What the hell do you have to lose?’

Republican Donald Trump again made a direct appeal to black voters Friday night, urging them to abandon the Democratic Party and give him a chance. Speaking at a rally in Dimondale, Michigan, an overwhelmingly white suburb outside of Lansing, the GOP nominee argued that Democrats, including his rival Hillary Clinton, have taken advantage of African-American voters and taken their votes for granted.

Donald Trump’s pitch to African-American voters: ‘What the…

At a rally on Friday in Dimondale, Michigan, the Republican presidential candidate offered himself as the alternative to his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, as he tried to appeal to black voters - a demographic with which he has not performed well . "To those I say the following: what do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump.