How did EU-founding member Italy go Eurosceptic?

The Lega party's leader Matteo Salvini , accompanied by party colleagues Gian Marco Centinaio and Giancarlo Giorgetti , addresses the media after a meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinal Palace, Rome, Italy, 21 May 2018. [ EPA-EFE ] All eyes are on Italy as the far-right League and rebellious Five Star Movement close in on power, ringing alarm bells in Brussels as the country inches towards becoming the first EU founding member to have a Eurosceptic government.

The Latest: Fewer casualties likely in quake damaged hotel

Italian rescue workers are expecting fewer casualties than initially feared at the site of a hotel that was badly damaged in Wednesday's earthquake. Officials initially said about 70 people had been staying at the Hotel Roma in the central Italian town of Amatrice when the quake struck.