Interior backing away from steep fee hikes at national parks

The Interior Department is backing down from a plan to impose steep fee increases at popular national parks in the face of widespread opposition from elected officials and the public. The plan would nearly triple entrance fees at 17 of the nation's most popular parks, including the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Yellowstone and Zion, forcing visitors to pay $70 per vehicle during the peak summer season.

Senators: High fees not best way to maintain national parks

Maine's two U.S. senators say the U.S. Department of the Interior should take a different approach than raising fees to address a maintenance backlog at national parks. Republican Sen. Susan Collins and independent Sen. Angus King sent a letter to the department after an announcement that it is proposing increasing fees at 17 national parks, one of which is Acadia National Park.

How Congress help Maine airports attract more vacationers

With our state embarking on many needed reforms to help families and businesses prosper, our state's most durable and sustaining industry - travel and tourism - remains committed to growth and continued investment for Mainers across the state. It's no secret Vacationland is a busy destination for domestic and international visitors.