Easy or bland, outdated or ordered: what’s it like to live in a planned city?

This week Guardian Cities has been exploring cities built from scratch around the world. Here’s a roundup of readers’ experiences – from Harlow to Perth, Shannon to Islamabad

Perth really is about as bland a built environment as you could imagine, luckily set on amazing natural beauty. But its planning is still rooted firmly in 1950s style suburbia and auto dependence. Car ownership is one of the highest in Australia, which nationally is one of the highest in the world. Vibrancy is lacking, community occurs despite, not encouraged by, the built environment. Walking is hardly done, and the streets of suburbia are deserted as everyone drives.

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Donald Glover as Earn Marks in "Atlanta," a mesmerizing tale of a young man adrift in a hardscrabble Georgia suburb. FX's "Atlanta" - magnificently conceived by and starring Donald Glover - doesn't begin so much as it simply happens, opening with a confrontation in a convenience-store parking lot and immediately shifting to morning light, where Glover, as Earnest "Earn" Marks, wakes from a dream next to Van , the mother of his baby daughter, Lottie.