Matt Miller Officially Sworn In As Ashland Mayor

Community members gathered at Ashland High School on Tuesday night to celebrate the formal induction of Matt Miller as the city's new Mayor. A host of dignitaries such as former Mayor Duane Fishpaw and Ashland Schools Superintendent Dr. Douglas J. Marrah attended the event, each taking the stand to congratulate the new Mayor on his accomplishments and applauding him for his continued efforts to improve Ashland.

Hillary Clinton: Timing of Russian hack is aimed at helping Trump

Hillary Clinton on Monday drew a line between Donald Trump and suspected Russian hacking into the Democratic National Committee when she spoke with reporters during her first day on a shared campaign plane. Clinton said the Russian hacking was "almost unthinkable" and compared the intrusions into a variety of Democratic bodies to Watergate, the infamous break-in of the Democratic National Committee in 1972 by aides close to then President Richard Nixon.