Rep. Huffmana s landscape photo contest to start Aug. 3

Rep. Jared Huffman has announced his annual district-wide landscape photography competition will start on Aug. 3. Constituents in California's 2nd Congressional District, including Mendocino County, can email an original landscape photo to and include their name, hometown and photo location in the body, with the subject “Photo Submission.” One photo submission will be accepted per person, until Aug. 24. “The people of California's 2nd Congressional District live in the most beautiful district in the country,” said Huffman.

Rep. Jared Huffman leading charge on climate for North Coast

North Coast Rep. Jared Huffman is making moves on the environmental front, candidly speaking out against the White House's initiatives regarding public lands and energy, as well as recent actions by U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. Huffman has wholeheartedly taken up climate change as a platform issue, introducing two pieces of legislation on energy policy and joining three other members of Congress on climate legislation that seeks to get the U.S. on 100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2050, named the 100 by '50 Act.

Federal grants awarded to assist stranded marine mammals on the north coast

Congressman Jared Huffman today announced that the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has awarded $292,415 in federal funds to educational centers across Huffman's congressional district to study, provide education, outreach and improved response time to assist stranded marine mammals. “From California sea lions to harbor seals, the North Coast is fortunate to have a diversity of marine mammals as part of our coastal ecosystems and communities, and we must do all we can to protect these intelligent creatures,” said Rep. Huffman.