The Candidate and the Sequel That Never Was

Jeff, the J.S. reader who wrote in before with great thoughts about The Candidate , followed up with a fascinating tidbit I hadn't been aware of: The movie almost-almost-got a sequel. "In case you hadn't heard," Jeff writes, "there was talk a few years ago of a sequel, in which an older Robert Redford would play Bill McKay as the president he went on to become later in his career.

Pro-Johnson group to launch new ad this weekend

Hollywood star Robert Redford made a plea Monday for donations even lower than the average movie ticket price to defeat Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, while a super PAC supporting the incumbent said it planned to launch a new half-million dollar attack ad portraying Democrat Russ Feingold as weak on national security. Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold defends his plan for fighting terrorism ahead of a new attack ad expected to be launched by a group supporting his opponent Republican Sen. Ron Johnson on Monday, Aug. 29, 2016, in Madison, Wis.