CBS’s Garrett Preemptively Blames Trump and GOP ‘Hardliners’ for Shutdown

CBS This Morning journalist Major Garrett on Tuesday jumped to blame Donald Trump and Republican "hardliners" for a potential government shutdown. Garrett made little effort to find culpability for the liberal Democrats in the Senate who are demanding a clean DACA bill in return for keeping the government open.

Furious CBS Hosts Badger ‘Bitter,’ ‘Angry’ Brazile for Exposing Hillary Clinton

A furious round of liberal-on-liberal violence broke out on Tuesday's CBS This Morning . The show's hosts confronted former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile for daring to expose Hillary Clinton's efforts to hobble any contenders in the 2016 primaries.

Credulous Oliver Stone on Thug Putin: Why Would ‘Statesman’ Lie to Me?

It seems that, finally, liberal journalists are challenging the credulous, dictator-coddling filmmaking of lefty Oliver Stone. But maybe that's because the communist-friendly director avoided tough questions when talking to Vladimir Putin about the 2016 presidential election.

How news networks plan to cover Comey’s testimony

With television networks setting aside regular programming to mark the moment Thursday, former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before Congress on the investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election will be hard for most Americans to miss. CNN has already kept a "countdown clock" to the start of Comey's appearance before the Senate intelligence committee on its screen for days.

Campaign manager defends Trump on Iraq war, Putin praise

Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway challenged recent criticisms of her candidate's positions on the Iraq war and other foreign policy issues early Friday, defending Trump in a live interview with "CBS This Morning" hosts. When asked by co-host Charlie Rose about Trump's past support support of the Iraq war, Conway said the GOP nominee has always been against what he now calls a "disaster" in the Middle East.