Outpouring of support for McCain from across the political spectrum

Sen. John McCain, who has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer , has received an outpouring of support from current and former lawmakers from across the political spectrum. The 80-year-old Arizona Republican underwent a procedure last Friday to remove a blood clot above his left eye at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix.

McCain’s brain tumor is particularly aggressive type

McCain has been diagnosed with a brain tumor after doctor... WASHINGTON - Sen. John McCain's tumor is one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer, and his family and doctors are deliberating next treatment options. The senator had undergone surgery last week to have a blood clot removed from above his left eye, and that clot turned out to be a sign that a tumor called a glioblastoma had begun growing.

Friends Christen Terry Backer Community Farm In Stratford

Farmers as well as town and state officials converged on Stratford Community Farm on Wednesday, taking time out from a picture-perfect day to officially christen the site after one of its main champions - the late Long Island Soundkeeper and longtime state representative Terry Backer. "We all knew him as a man of the sea, but he ended up not only being a person of the sea, but also a farmer," said Mayor John Harkins, who helped unveil the sign marking the 90+ community plots after Backer, who passed away last December after a long bout with brain cancer.