Critics: Nevada GOP candidate making misstep on Trump stance

Republicans say Rep. Joe Heck made a misstep in his tight Nevada Senate race when he said Donald Trump would be a good commander in chief but refused to say whether he would vote for the presidential nominee. Heck revoked his endorsement of Trump last month after an audio emerged of the billionaire businessman boasting of groping women, drawing boos from a few Republicans at a rally.

Warrant to search newly found emails obtained by FBI

The FBI has obtained a warrant to begin reviewing newly discovered emails that may be relevant to the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. FBI investigators want to review emails of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on a device seized during an unrelated sexting investigation of Anthony Weiner, a former New York congressman and Abedin's estranged husband.

Harry Reid: Comey may have violated the Hatch Act

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said on Sunday that FBI Director James Comey may have violated the Hatch Act, barring political activity by federal employees, through a late election season letter to Congress about the scope of the bureau's probe of Hillary Clinton's private email service as secretary of state. Comey's letter on Friday to congressional committee chairs said the FBI is reviewing newly discovered emails that might be linked to Clinton's private server.

Poor, Poor GOP Rep. Joe Heck has ruffled some Trumpian feathers and there’ll be heck to pay for it

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, which is frightening.We must make sure his hateful rhetoric does not even come close... Donald Trump has gone too far with his attacks on Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son Army Capt. Humayun Khan... A Donald Trump White House would be a disaster, and this goes way beyond any ideological difference.

Schumer’s re-election race short on drama, big on contrasts

New York's Senate race this year pits an established incumbent in line to become the top Democrat in the Senate against a little-known lawyer who lost her last race in a landslide. Republican Wendy Long has attracted scant attention and polls show her with little chance of defeating three-term Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer.

Five Storylines to Watch During the Third Presidential Debate

The third and final presidential debate should be the last time that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump directly address each other ahead of the election on Nov. 8. After they leave the stage Wednesday night, they're officially off on their own sprints to the finish, focused on separate campaign events designed to boost their support in the last 20 days of the race. Here are five story lines to keep in mind while watching the nominees during the debate.

US judge sides with Nevada tribes in voting rights case

U.S. District Judge Miranda Du issued a temporary injunction in Reno late Friday requiring the establishment of satellite polling places on two northern Nevada reservations ahead of next month's election in the Western battleground state. The Pyramid Lake and Walker River Paiute tribes say their members are being denied equal access to the polls as a result of the long distances some must travel to vote early or cast ballots on Election Day.

Republican Senators Blocked From Political Victories

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., was among the Republican senators facing re-election who unsuccessfully tried to get bills passed. Republican senators on the 2016 ballot left the Capitol last week without quite as many accomplishments to tout as they would have hoped.

Sen. Harry Reid announces $200M for Nevada military, veterans projects

Sen. Harry Reid says Nevada will be getting more than $200 million in federal funding for projects involving the military and veterans. The retiring Democrat announced Saturday that the money will be allocated for projects at Nellis Air Force Base, Naval Air Station Fallon and Reno VA Medical Center.

Congress steamrolls Obama’s veto

Congress delivered a stinging rebuke to President Obama Wednesday as both chambers voted overwhelmingly to override his veto of a 9/11 victims' rights bill. It was the first time lawmakers had overturned an Obama veto, with Democrats deserting him en masse to enact the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act.

Democrats poised to block stopgap funding bill over Flint

Senate Democrats on Tuesday threatened to block must-do legislation to prevent the government from shutting down Friday at midnight, battle the Zika virus and help flood-ravaged Louisiana rebuild. The aim is to pressure Republicans to add money to the stopgap spending bill to give Flint, Michigan, immediate help with its water crisis instead of settling for promises from top Republicans that the city will receive aid after the election.