Kavanaugh’s victory is a big win for conservatives

The Senate narrowly confirmed embattled nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Saturday, cementing the conservative majority on the nation's highest court after a bitter confirmation battle that left the Senate bruised and the nation divided. The disunion was evident in the 50-48 vote that put Kavanaugh on the court - a historically narrow margin - and in the screams of the protesters yelling, "Shame!" inside the chamber as the roll call was tallied.

In Colonie, Schumer pushes opioid bill to safeguard first

Sen. Charles Schumer speaks during an press conference where he announced his effort to combat the opioid crisis in the Capital Region on Monday, Aug. 27, 2018, at the Colonie Public Safety Building in Colonie, N.Y. less Sen. Charles Schumer speaks during an press conference where he announced his effort to combat the opioid crisis in the Capital Region on Monday, Aug. 27, 2018, at the Colonie Public Safety Building in Colonie, ... more Sen. Charles Schumer speaks during an press conference where he announced his effort to combat the opioid crisis in the Capital Region on Monday, Aug. 27, 2018, at the Colonie Public Safety Building in Colonie, N.Y. less Sen. Charles Schumer speaks during an press conference where he announced his effort to combat the opioid crisis in the Capital Region on Monday, Aug. 27, 2018, at the Colonie Public Safety Building in Colonie, ... more Sen. Charles ... (more)

Why next week could be critical for U.S. newspapers

The U.S. Department of Commerce is expected to decide by Aug. 1 whether to maintain a tariff that newspapers say is crippling their industry. The duties put on groundwood paper from Canada earlier this year has aided the decline of the newspaper industry, which says the new costs could increase the price of newsprint by as much as 30 percent.

Schumer: Measures needed to reduce toddler drownings in US

James Comey, the FBI director who was fired last year by President Donald Trump, is urging voters to support Democrats in November's midterm elections. James Comey, the FBI director who was fired last year by President Donald Trump, is urging voters to support Democrats in November's midterm elections.

IndyMac to cut positions

IndyMac Bancorp Inc. will lay off more than half of its employees and will no longer offer fixed-rate home mortgages, Michael W. Perry, the bank's chairman and CEO, said in a prepared statement Monday. Perry also announced that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has downgraded IndyMac's lending status from "well-capitalized," which means the bank can no longer accept brokered cash deposits without a waiver by the FDIC.

Court nominee making rounds

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh returned to Capitol Hill on Wednesday for a round of meetings with key Republican senators as Democrats ramped up efforts to block his confirmation. Kavanaugh, an appellate court judge and President Donald Trump's choice to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, planned to meet separately with at least five members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Schumer says he maintains contact with Alcoa officials to keep Massena plant operational

Three years ago, Alcoa officials announced that they planned to close the Massena East smelter rather than modernize it, and idle the Massena West smelter. In the process, 487 would have been eliminated, while Alcoa officials said they expected about 220 jobs to remain following the reductions.

Capitol Report: Trump, Kim may hold talks in New York | Michael Cohen …

President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un look at each other before signing documents after their summit in Singapore on June 12. Some White House officials are so optimistic about making progress with North Korea's Kim Jong Un that they hope a Round 2 of talks with President Donald Trump can be held in New York in September, Axios reports. That's when world leaders pour into Trump's hometown for the United Nations General Assembly.

Donald Trump seeks to rally Republicans around border security message for fall midterms

Donald Trump seeks to rally Republicans around border security message for fall midterms Democrats vow to make President Donald Trump's harsh immigration policies and separation of families their issues as well. Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://usat.ly/2txS26J WASHINGTON - Despite widespread criticism of family separations at the border , President Donald Trump said Tuesday he thought his tough immigration polices would be a winning issue for Republicans in the November midterm elections.

Dems Must Stop Picking Foxes to Guard the Financial Hen House

In May, the Revolving Door Project and over 30 other organizations urged Senate Democrats to push for strong progressives for the leadership positions at key financial agencies allocated to Democrats. Democrats now have a chance to demonstrate that they have become the party of the people by whom they choose for open leadership positions at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation .

FBI chief vows full review after critical report on Clinton email probe…

Promising to hold FBI officials accountable for any misconduct related to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails during her time as Secretary of State, the FBI Director on Thursday said that while a new internal report made clear there were errors in judgment linked to that investigation, it did not show the FBI wrongly dealt with that politically sensitive investigation. "This report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation that was under review," the FBI chief said, referring to the Clinton email probe, though he made clear, the actions of certain officials would be under further review.

Sen. Schumer voices opposition to proposed waste-to-energy incinerator

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer said that he's opposed to the planned waste-to-energy incinerator plant in Seneca County. Senator Schumer says the proposed facility by Circular Ener-G would be bad for the regional economy, and it would put the public's health at risk.

Senate negotiators reach deal to revamp sexual harassment policies after wave of scandals

The Senate proposal would require lawmakers to use their own money to pay settlements if they're found to have sexually harassed an employee. Senate negotiators reach deal to revamp sexual harassment policies after wave of scandals The Senate proposal would require lawmakers to use their own money to pay settlements if they're found to have sexually harassed an employee.

Lawmakers take first step in stopping a Trump deal with ZTE

A Senate panel on Tuesday said it would not accept efforts by President Donald Trump to ease sanctions on Chinese smartphone maker ZTE. In a vote of 23 to 2, the Senate Banking Committee overwhelmingly approved an amendment that would block Trump from reducing penalties on ZTE without first providing Congress proof the company is following US laws.

Schumer applauds Trump on moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

Donald John Trump Romney denounces pastor slated to speak at US embassy in Jerusalem Pentagon finds problems with Kushner-backed health program: report Apple CEO Tim Cook praises Parkland, 'Me Too' activists in commencement speech MORE , Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer on Monday praised the president for moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. "In a long overdue move, we have moved our embassy to Jerusalem.