McWhorter Music Center: Innovation at Whitesburg Elementary

Gov. Nathan Deal and U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson were among those celebrating the opening of the Opal and Alton McWhorter Music Center at Whitesburg Elementary School on Thursday. "Whitesburg Elementary will be the only elementary school in the nation that has an innovation piano lab of this type," said Carroll County Schools Superintendent Scott Cowart.

Carrollton teacher to serve on state charter commission

Carrollton High School culinary arts teacher Carmen Dill has been named to the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. Appointed to fill an unexpired term by Gov. Nathan Deal, she attended her first meeting Aug. 30 and will continue service on the commission through January 2019.

Local education officials oppose state amendment

Local education leaders are opposing a state amendment that would allow the state to take over local schools that are deemed to be failing. The amendment would allow the state to create an Opportunity School District, which would be ruled by a governing board appointed by state lawmakers in order to oversee operation of a failing school.