Fox co-host slams Alicia Machado’s English skills, forgets Trump is verbally challenged/incoherent

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, which is frightening.We must make sure his hateful rhetoric does not even come close... During the Labor Day weekend, when many people are celebrating and preparing for the upcoming school-year, Dakota Access, a... A Donald Trump White House would be a disaster, and this goes way beyond any ideological difference. As President Obama said,... Alicia Machado introduced Hillary Clinton at a Florida campaign event on Tuesday and Trump TV, otherwise known as Fox & Friends , couldn't start slinging mud fast enough.

‘FBI should spill beans on Trump’s Russia ties’

Democratic US presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, left, takes the stage with Alicia Machado after being introduced at an "early voting" campaign rally at Pasco-Hernando State College in Dade City, Florida. Picture: Brian Snyder Washington/Fort Lauderdale, Florida - A top aide to Hillary Clinton urged the FBI on Tuesday to disclose what it knows about any ties between Donald Trump and Russia, accusing the agency of unfairly publicising its inquiry into Clinton's email practices while staying quiet about the Republican presidential candidate.

Herea s the real story of how a Miss Universe became part of the presidential race

Millions of Americans heard the name Alicia Machado for the first time this week in the final minutes of the most watched presidential debate in history. But there were actually a year's worth of twists and turns, largely behind the scenes, that led Hillary Clinton to utter the name of the Latina beauty queen, turning Machado into a major figure in the final weeks of the presidential race.

Thin-Skinned GOP Nominee Continues Misogynist Attacks on Alicia Machado at 3 AM

In the debate Monday night, Hillary Clinton laid a trap for Donald Trump by bringing up Trump's ugly misogynistic and bigoted comments about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Trump was obviously surprised, repeating "Where did you get this? Where did you get this?" in a petulant voice as Clinton described him calling Machado "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping."

‘Miss Piggy’, ‘Miss Housekeeping’; who is Alicia Machado?

Hillary Clinton was making a point about Donald Trump and women at the first presidential debate when she brought up Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe who says Donald Trump insulted her. "This is a man who has calling women pigs, slobs and dogs and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers, who has said that women don't deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men," she said on the debate stage.