Free tuition doesn’t mean free college, students point out

They don't mean to sound ungrateful, but ... New York public college students who would stand to gain from the nation's most ambitious free-tuition proposal are quick to point out a sobering reality from their own meager finances: Free tuition doesn't mean free college. Take Brooklyn College senior Florencia Salinas, who despite having her tuition nearly covered in full through scholarships and grants, still expects to graduate with a daunting $50,000 in debt.

Return of the poor man’s Harvard

Karl Grossman is a professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury who has specialized in investigative reporting for 45 years. He is the host of the TV program "Enviro Close-Up," the writer and presenter of numerous TV documentaries and the author of six books.

Nov. 25: Trump and racism, Hamilton and immigration

Rockaway Beach: Brooklyn College Professor Ron Howell's Op-Ed was a bunch of nonsense. Are progressive liberals now mind readers? Are their thoughts of what another person may, or may not be thinking, now considered fact? What makes it acceptable for African-Americans to vote 95% for a black man, largely in part because he's black, but simply ruled an act of racism for whites who voted for Donald Trump? Which by the way, are some of the very same whites who pulled the lever for Obama - twice! Howell states that it was the educated whites as well as the ignorant ones who voted for a race-baiter.