California net neutrality bill faces crucial hearing as Democrat seeks to water it down

Protesters fighting to save net neutrality rally outside the Verizon store on Market Street in San Francisco, Calif., Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017. Verizon stores across the country were sites for coordinated protests one week before the FCC votes on the net neutrality issue.

Zuckerberg’s Facebook data was sold to Cambridge Analytica, too – CNET

Facebook had access to 87 million people's data after Aleksandr Kogan, a lecturer at Cambridge University, sold the firm information stolen from an app called "thisisyourdigitallife." The app, disguised as a personality test, didn't just take data from people who took the quiz, but also from friends connected with the duped victims.

Catches Rep Eshoo, Senator Markey, Former FCC Chairman …

The Gateway Pundit recently took part in a phone conference where Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo , U.S. Senator Ed Markey and former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler attempted to sway reporters on their anti-American and anti-innovation "Net Neutrality" policies. Releasing a public statement before the call, the Washington shills attempted to claim that Chairman Ajit Pai, the first ever Indian American to hold his position, plans to "gut" the "protections" that have allowed for innovation and "free and open internet as we know it."

Pelosi to tour fire ravaged areas of Northern California

Top U.S. House Democrat Nancy Pelosi and five other members of Congress plan to tour wildfire-ravaged Northern California on Saturday as families and communities begin the long process of rebuilding. Pelosi, of San Francisco, will spend a day touring the fire zones and meeting with officials and victims alongside Rep. Mike Thompson, who represents the city of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County, the hardest-hit areas in the fires.

Pelosi to tour fire-ravaged areas of Northern California

In this Oct. 10, 2017 file photo, the remains of the Signorello Estate winery continue to smolder in Napa, Calif. Top U.S. House Democrat Nancy Pelosi and five other members of Congress plan to tour wildfire-ravaged Northern California on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2017, as families and communities begin the long process of rebuilding.

Congress sits idle in the face of genocide

Kenneth W. Starr, a former U.S. solicitor general and federal judge, served as independent counsel in the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky investigations during the Clinton administration. In the wake of the Islamic State's genocidal practices in Iraq, the plight of religious minorities on the plain of Nineveh continues unabated.

Trump: ‘Who paid for’ rallies seeking release of tax returns

President Donald Trump says "someone should look into who paid" for the rallies around the country Saturday that urged him to release his tax returns. Trump tweeted Sunday: "I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?" Trump was the first major-party nominee in more than 40 years not to release his returns and he reneged on a campaign commitment to release them.

Clashes as Tax Day Demonstrators Demand Trump Release Taxes

Thousands of sign-waving, chanting protesters marched through streets across America demanding that President Donald Trump release his tax returns so the public can examine his business ties and determine whether he has links to foreign powers. The tax day protests in more than a dozen cities Saturday were largely peaceful, though occasionally demonstrators and some pro-Trump groups taunted each other in face-to-face exchanges.

Tax Day demonstrators in US take on Trump, his supporters

Thousands of chanting, sign-carrying protesters took to the streets in cities across the nation Saturday, demanding that President Donald Trump release his tax returns, so Americans can scrutinize his business ties and potential conflicts of interest. Violent clashes were the exception during the largely peaceful demonstrations, but in Berkeley, California, police arrested 13 people and confiscated knives and makeshift weapons after fistfights broke out between factions that support and oppose Trump.

Letter: Building a broader consensus

Robert E. Durkee, in his Feb. 10 letter to the editor, would cut off his nose to spite his face. Since California taxpayers pay more to the federal government than California receives in return, U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, is simply asking that money paid by California taxpayers be reinvested in California infrastructure projects.

California storms: Gov. Jerry Brown turns to President Trump for federal aid

On Friday, the governor turned to his potential nemesis for help - specifically, asking the Federal Emergency Management Agency to declare a major disaster after the state was hammered by storms , floods and mudslides. The request could be an early test of relations between the Democrats who run the nation's largest state and the new Republican administration.

In U.S. House District 12, long- shot Democrat challenges Gus Bilirakis

U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis strode to the front of the Oldsmar City Council chambers and turned to address the room, filled with military veterans. "I told Jerry I wanted to have a roundtable, not necessarily a town hall meeting," the Palm Harbor Republican said, nodding toward organizer Jerry Custin of the local chamber of commerce.