Trump’s options in Syria include airstrikes, partnerships, experts say

Trump meets with military leaders, says decision on U.S. retaliation against suspected chemical attack in Syria will be coming tonight or shortly thereafter. After another suspected chemical attack in Syria, President Trump promised the U.S. would respond "forcefully" but so far has not given specifics.

Trump seethes over FBI raid, ponders firing those he blames

President Donald Trump was so incensed by the FBI's raid of his personal attorney's office and hotel room that he's privately pondered firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and publicly mused about ousting special counsel Robert Mueller. The raid, in which agents seized attorney Michael Cohen's records on topics including a $130,000 payment to a porn actress who alleges she had sex with Trump, left the president more angry than advisers had seen him in weeks, according to five people familiar with the president's views but not authorized to discuss them publicly.

As Trump fumes, senators craft a bill to protect Mueller Source: AP

A bipartisan group of four senators is moving to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job as President Donald Trump publicly muses about firing him. Republican Sens. Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Democratic Sens. Chris Coons of Delaware and Cory Booker of New Jersey plan to introduce legislation Wednesday that would give any special counsel a 10-day window in which he or she could seek expedited judicial review of a firing, according to two people familiar with the legislation.

Senators move to protect Mueller as Trump criticizes probe

A bipartisan group of four senators is moving to protect special counsel Robert Mueller 's job as President Donald Trump publicly muses about firing him. Republican Sens. Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Democratic Sens. Chris Coons of Delaware and Cory Booker of New Jersey plan to introduce legislation Wednesday that would give any special counsel a 10-day window in which he or she could seek expedited judicial review of a firing, according to two people familiar with the legislation.

Some US businesses may suffer in a short terma from China trade dispute, senator says

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said President Donald Trump is doing the right thing in placing tariffs on Chinese imports, although he said some U.S. businesses may suffer "in the short term." "There is no way for us to address China without absorbing some pain here," the South Carolina senator told ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent and This Week Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz.

Trump: a Big price to paya for Syria chemical attack

An image grab taken from a video released by the Syrian civil defence in Douma shows an unidentified volunteer holding an oxygen mask over a child's face at a hospital following a reported chemical attack on the rebel-held town on April 8, 2018. A suspected chemical attack by Syria's regime sparked international outrage, after rescue workers reported dozens killed by poison gas on rebel-held parts of Eastern Ghouta near Damascus.

Trump’s response to Syria attack is ‘defining moment is his presidency’: Graham

A top Republican Senator said the chemical weapons attack that killed dozens in Syria is a "defining moment" for President Trump to show his resolve in standing up against Damascus despot Bashar al-Assad. "Well, it's a defining moment in his presidency, because he has challenged Assad in the past not to use chemical weapons," Sen. Lindsey Graham said on ABC's "This Week."

Trump vows a big pricea for Syria attack, raising prospect of missile strike

President Donald Trump on Sunday promised a “big price” to be paid for what he said was a chemical weapons attack that choked dozens of Syrians to death the day before, and a top White House official said the administration would not rule out a missile strike to retaliate against the government of President Bashar Assad. In a tweet, Trump laid the blame for the attack partly on President Vladimir Putin of Russia, the first time since his election that he has criticized the Russian leader by name on Twitter.

Is Vladimir Putin Trump’s top adviser on Syria?

Could the answer to Trump's abrupt announcement that, "We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon," -- which left even White House aides scrambling to figure out what the President had in mind -- lead us back to Russian President Vladimir Putin? Pushback from security experts has apparently irritated the President but persuaded him for now to delay the withdrawal for the time being . At least that's the most recent decision, subject to change by the mercurial President.

Senator says Bolton is wary of North Korea stall tactics

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said he's glad John Bolton will serve as President Donald Trump's national security adviser going into talks with North Korea because of his ''very healthy skepticism.' ' A U.S.-North Korean summit is slated for May. Hopes have been raised that Kim Jong Un may be willing to discuss his nuclear weapons program and other measures to reduce the threat of war, possibly in exchange for security guarantees and an easing of the international sanctions that have severely pinched the already struggling North Korean economy.

Lindsey Graham says pulling troops from Syria would be a single worst decisiona Trump could make

Removing U.S. troops from Syria would be "the single worst decision" President Trump could make on the foreign policy stage and would create a power vacuum in the Middle East that Russia and Iran surely would rush to fill, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday. Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," the South Carolina Republican blasted Mr. Trump's declaration that he intends to pull roughly 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria "very soon."

Missouri workplace bill dies amid ‘Me Too’ movement

A Missouri bill to strengthen employment contracts that require sexual harassment, discrimination and other work-related issues to be decided through arbitration has died an unusually early death that came as Congress considers moving in the opposite direction. At issue is legislation that would have ramped-up the enforceability of arbitration agreements, common contracts in which businesses require employees to settle misconduct lawsuits through private companies instead of in court.

Palmetto Politics: All of Trump’s S.C. presidential campaign staff signed non-disclosure agreements

President Donald Trump on the night he won the South Carolina Republican primary, Feb. 20, 2016, in Spartanburg. AP Photo/Paul Sancya President Donald Trump on the night he won the South Carolina Republican primary, Feb. 20, 2016, in Spartanburg.

The Latest: Bargainers announce $1.3 trillion budget deal

The Capitol is seen before dawn Wednesday after a night of negotiating on the government spending bill, in Washington, March 21, 2018. Talks over a $1.3 trillion omnibus bill are almost complete as the White House and Capitol Hill Democrats ironed out deals on a first round of funding for President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Senate Republicans call for special counsel to investigate DOJ’s Russia probe

A group of influential Republican senators on Thursday called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate how the Department of Justice and FBI conducted a probe of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Add Russia Investigation as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Russia Investigation news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Some in GOP alarmed as Trump tweets against Robert Mueller

President Donald Trump kept up his attack on the escalating Russia investigation, insisting in a new tweet Monday that it was "a total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!" The comment came a day after a top White House lawyer tried to calm speculation that the president was considering firing the special counsel leading the probe. White House lawyer Ty Cobb offered a statement late Sunday after top congressional Republicans warned of repercussions if Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking into contacts between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia and Russian meddling in the presidential election.

Trump tweets revive chatter he’s preparing to fire Mueller

President Donald Trump is not considering firing the special counsel investigating Russian election interference, a top White House lawyer said, after a cascade of Trump tweets revived chatter that the deeply frustrated president may be preparing to get rid of the veteran prosecutor. In a first for Trump, he jabbed directly at special counsel Robert Mueller by name in weekend tweets that both challenged the investigation's existence and suggested political bias on the part of Mueller's investigators.