The Latest: Franken accuser says voters will decide his fate

Minnesota Senator Al Franken apologized Thursday after a Los Angeles radio anchor accused him of forcibly kissing her during a 2006 USO tour and of posing for a photo with his hands on her breasts as she slept. The Los Angeles radio anchor who accuses Democratic Senator Al Franken of forcibly kissing her during a 2006 USO tour says she accepts his apology but he could have apologized earlier.

Colleagues paint caustic portrait of artist colony founder

This still frame from exclusive video provided by San Francisco TV station KGO-TV, made late Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016, shows Derick Ion Almena, front, and Micah Allison, partly hidden behind him, the couple who operated the Ghost Ship ware... . This March 12, 2015 booking photo provided by the Glendale, Calif., Police Department shows Derick Ion Almena.

California Guard soldiers wona t be forced to repay bonuses

Thousands of California National Guard troops will not have to repay enlistment bonuses and benefits they received a decade after they signed up to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a deal between House and Senate negotiators. Rep. Adam Schiff, whose congressional district includes Burbank, Glendale and the Pasadena area, said legislation will ensure soldiers who were required to pay back bonuses and benefits “they received in good faith are not the subject of clawbacks both now or in the future.” Southern Calfornia native John Bischler, who spent 13 years in the National Guard, said he was cautiously optimistic about the compromise.