Peter Tork, bassist for the Monkees, dies aged 77

Accomplished folk musician and teen star helped move the guitar-pop band beyond their manufactured image

Peter Tork, the bassist for the Monkees, has died aged 77.

Tork, who also sang on a number of the band’s songs and played keyboards, had been diagnosed with a rare form of tongue cancer in 2009, though the cause of his death, which was confirmed by his sister, has not been announced.

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Politics And Reality Radio: Russia, And The Syrian Disaster; The Truth About Pitbulls

First, we're joined by Mark Goldberg, editor of UN Dispatch and host of the Global Dispatches podcast, to talk about the new UN General Secretary, Antonio Guterrez, Syria and the growing diplomatic mess between the US and Russia. Then we'll switch gears and talk about pit bulls, and the mythology that's developed around these dogs -- one that makes them the most frequently abused and abandoned breeds -- with Bronwen Dickey, author of Pit Bull: The Battle Over an American Icon.