Ford wona t contribute to MSNBC until resolving allegations

Former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford Jr. will not be a contributor on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program until allegations of misconduct against him are resolved. "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski announced Friday that Ford and MSNBC agreed the frequent contributor would not appear until resolving recent accusations.

Former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. fired for alleged ‘misconduct;’ denies wrongdoing

Ford, formerly of Memphis, was terminated for "conduct inconsistent with our values and in violation of our policies," according to a statement from the Wall Street bank. Morgan Stanely spokeswoman Margaret Draper would not say why he was fired, although HuffPost reported the company had investigated claims of harassment and intimidation.

Tennesseea s Corker doubles down on his criticism of Trump

In this Oct. 25, 2017 file photo, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., talks to reporters as he returns to his office from a vote, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Taking on a crowd of jeering union workers, standing up to a charismatic Democratic opponent on his home turf or lecturing upper management of one of the world's largest corporations, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker has rarely backed down from a fight.

Republican scandals not helping Alabama Democrats

Republican leaders of two branches of state government have been removed from office, while the head of the third branch, Gov. Robert Bentley, is facing an impeachment investigation sparked by a scandal that shows no signs of fading. The three distinct controversies involving high-profile Republicans have dominated state political headlines for many months, but it's not clear they have helped the rival party at all.