Pomona Valley Hospital personnel get training on new helipad

Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center staff take part in onsite training atop the new helipad at the hospital Friday August 11, 2017. The new helipad, which is atop a new parking structure at the hospital, is expected to be fully functional in approximately one month and is located next to the emergency and trauma center.

Firearms Industry Soars Amid Election-Year Angst, Shattering Records

Rifles for sale at a gun shop in Merrimack, N.H.A In California, gun shop ownerA David Strickroth says he's been selling six or seven guns a da - See this story on www.npr.org David Strickroth does steady business at High Impact Tactical Firearms in Upland, Calif. It's a small shop, as gun shops go, with several dozen firearms hanging on the olive green walls and sitting in a glass display case below.