Republicans look forward

After a chaotic week for President Donald Trump and his party, Republicans are facing a fundamental question: What's next? With a new chief of staff, communications director and press secretary in tow, the President clearly is seeking to "hit the reset button," as his now former chief of staff Reince Priebus said Friday. Also clamoring to turn the page, GOP leaders on both sides of Capitol Hill are clearly signaling they are ready to turn to a slew of issues and agenda items this fall, like taxes, border security, the budget, spending bills, and more -- and even Trump administration officials are echoing that call.

Ex-general enters White House – zoo’ to impose order for Trump

Retired Marine General John Kelly is a battle-hardened commander who would bring a background of military discipline and order to Trump's roiling White House US President Donald Trump is trying to take command of his floundering administration by enlisting a retired four-star Marine general as his White House chief of staff, empowering a no-nonsense disciplinarian to transform a dysfunctional West Wing into the "fine-tuned machine" the president has bragged of running but has not yet materialised. John Kelly will be sworn in Monday at the nadir of Trump's presidency, with historically low approval ratings, a stalled legislative agenda and an escalating Russia investigation that casts a dark cloud.

Timeline: Trump’s relationship with Priebus

President Trump revealed on Friday one of the most drastic shake-ups of his White House staff to date, proclaiming with a tweet that Reince Priebus was out as his chief of staff, replaced by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly. In announcing that Kelly, a retired Marine general, would succeed Priebus, Trump put to rest months of speculation about the now-former chief of staff's future in a White House marred by controversy and leaks.

GBBO winner Candice Brown looks a trifle animated

Scaramucci's furious wife 'was pregnant when she filed for divorce and gave birth while he was with Trump at the Boy Scout jamboree - then he met his premature son FOUR DAYS later after f-word rant' 'Weak, weak, weak': How Trump never forgave Reince Priebus for urging him to DROP OUT of the race for president over P***ygate and demeaned his chief of staff by summoning him to the Oval Office to kill a fly Illegal immigrant who has been deported to Mexico 20 TIMES 'rapes a 65-year-old woman at knife-point' just months after Portland released him from jail under 'sanctuary' policy Hawaiians make the magic happen, New Yorkers herd cats and Arizonians build synergy: Top office cliches in job listings by state Back from the dead! Family who took their beloved boxer to the vet to be euthanized are stunned to find out she was put up for adoption and given a new name instead The geek who really ... (more)

Hailey Baldwin, Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid step out

Scaramucci's furious wife 'was pregnant when she filed for divorce and gave birth while he was with Trump at the Boy Scout jamboree - then he met his premature son FOUR DAYS later after f-word rant' 'Weak, weak, weak': How Trump never forgave Reince Priebus for urging him to DROP OUT of the race for president over P***ygate and demeaned his chief of staff by summoning him to the Oval Office to kill a fly Illegal immigrant who has been deported to Mexico 20 TIMES 'rapes a 65-year-old woman at knife-point' just months after Portland released him from jail under 'sanctuary' policy Hawaiians make the magic happen, New Yorkers herd cats and Arizonians build synergy: Top office cliches in job listings by state Back from the dead! Family who took their beloved boxer to the vet to be euthanized are stunned to find out she was put up for adoption and given a new name instead The geek who really ... (more)

Australian Survivor’s Locky Gilbert SLAMS Ninja Warrior

Scaramucci's furious wife 'was pregnant when she filed for divorce and gave birth while he was with Trump at the Boy Scout jamboree - then he met his premature son FOUR DAYS later after f-word rant' 'Weak, weak, weak': How Trump never forgave Reince Priebus for urging him to DROP OUT of the race for president over P***ygate and demeaned his chief of staff by summoning him to the Oval Office to kill a fly Illegal immigrant who has been deported to Mexico 20 TIMES 'rapes a 65-year-old woman at knife-point' just months after Portland released him from jail under 'sanctuary' policy Hawaiians make the magic happen, New Yorkers herd cats and Arizonians build synergy: Top office cliches in job listings by state Back from the dead! Family who took their beloved boxer to the vet to be euthanized are stunned to find out she was put up for adoption and given a new name instead The geek who really ... (more)

Trumpa s six-month stall sparks a White House shake-up

Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump is saddled with a stalled agenda, a West Wing that resembles a viper's nest, a pile of investigations and a Republican Party that is starting to break away. Trump on Friday indirectly acknowledged the troubled state of his unconventional White House, abruptly replacing his chief of staff with hard-nosed retired Gen.

Trump Hits Reset Button by Ousting Priebus After Rough Week

Donald Trump endured in a single week the kind of policy disarray, legislative failure and vulgar White House staff infighting that might take a full term for any other president to accumulate. His manic, seven-day stretch was capped Friday afternoon by Trump's announcement -- on Twitter -- that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus was exiting the administration.

Trump’s six-month stall sparks a White House shake-up

Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump is saddled with a stalled agenda, a West Wing that resembles a viper's nest, a pile of investigations and a Republican Party that is starting to break away. Trump on Friday indirectly acknowledged the troubled state of his unconventional White House, abruptly replacing his chief of staff with hard-nosed retired Gen.

Reince Priebus out, John Kelly in as White House chief of staff

President Donald Trump drove out his chief of staff on Friday, replacing Reince Priebus with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly in an explosive move that ends a turbulent six-month tenure. "The President wanted to go a different direction," Priebus told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" Friday evening.

Trump replaces chief of staff Priebus with General Kelly

His White House in turmoil, President Donald Trump abruptly announced late yesterday he was appointing Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to be his chief of staff, ending the tumultuous six-month tenure of Reince Priebus. After months of speculation about Priebus' fate, Trump tweeted his decision just as he landed in Washington after a speech in New York in which he lavishly praised Kelly's performance at Homeland Security.

Reince Priebus replaced: From Trump power centre to war with the Mooch

His departure follows a series of public attacks from newly appointed White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci , a Washington outsider and former Wall Street financier. So how did Mr Priebus go from Oval Office gatekeeper to following his political allies in the Trump administration out the door.

Reince Priebus given the boot from presidential motorcade

Ousted Priebus insists he RESIGNED because Trump wanted to 'take new direction' amid reports President was unhappy that he didn't 'return fire' at Scaramucci after THAT explosive interview REVEALED: One-in-400million disability becomes COMMON in tiny polygamist Mormon town Hilldale where sufferers can't sit or stand without help after generations of inbreeding Kim Jong-Un issues 'stern warning' to America after successful test of ICBM that experts claim can hit CHICAGO - prompting joint exercise between US and South Korean forces Private school boy, 16, 'sexually assaulted at least five female classmates across the campus for a year and choked one because she wouldn't have sex with him' The REAL reason Scaramucci hates Priebus: Trump's new darling of the White House 'never forgave ousted Chief of Staff for scuppering his chances of joining the transition team' as he now gets last laugh ... (more)