Heavy Smoke from SF Russian Consulate Chimney as Moscow Fears Search by US

Russia's Foreign Ministry said that U.S. law enforcement officials intend to search its San Francisco consulate and some diplomatic residences, and it complained the U.S. demands were posing a "direct threat" to its citizens. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement posted September 1 that unnamed U.S. agencies plan to conduct the search on September 2, following the State Department's announcement this week ordering the consulate and two other trade annexes in New York and Washington closed.

Heavy security at Trump Tower not going away anytime soon

Mayor Bill de Blasio, left, and NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill, right, hold a press conference discussing plans for new security and traffic restrictions around Donald Trump's headquarters at Trump Tower, Friday Nov. 18, 20... . Mayor Bill de Blasio, left, NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill, center, and U.S. Secret Service Special Agent David Beach, right, hold a press conference discussing plans for new security and traffic restrictions around Donald ... NEW YORK - The phalanx of police officers armed with assault weapons, bomb-sniffing dogs and concrete barricades causing congestion and other headaches outside Donald Trump's home will remain in place at least until his inauguration in late January, city officials warned on Friday.