Pump problem? Gova s office says theya ve gotten no complaints

Despite some gas station employees saying they've run out, the Georgia governor's office has said they have not received any complaints of gas shortages within the state after a pipeline spill in central Alabama. "As of now we've not received any complaints," Gov. Nathan Deal's spokeswoman Jen Ryan said in a statement Sunday.

Republican State Party Power and 2016

In the 22 years since the 1994 Republican midterm landslide, the landscape of partisan power in state governments has changed dramatically. The Republican Party was the minority party in state government for almost seventy straight years before the Gingrich Contract with America transformed not only control of Congress but vitally control of state legislatures, long the hardest bastion of Democrat power in politics and quietly the key to Democrat dominance of American politics.

House Ethics panel investigating Texas congressman

A congressional review panel says there is "substantial reason to believe" that a Republican congressman from Texas may have been perceived to be acting in his own financial interest when he offered an amendment to benefit auto dealers last year. Texas Rep. Roger Williams is an auto dealer, and he has come under scrutiny by the House Ethics Committee over an amendment he offered to a wide-ranging transportation bill that would have allowed auto dealers to rent out vehicles even if they're subject to recall.

Williams: Dems unified, GOP isn’t

Recently returned from the Democratic Nation convention in Philadelphia, State Rep. Al Williams, D-Midway, said the political event was "absolutely fantastic." Recently returned from the Democratic Nation convention in Philadelphia, State Rep. Al Williams, D-Midway, said the political event was "absolutely fantastic."

Georgia primary voters decide fate of challenged incumbents

While nobody named Trump or Clinton appears on the ballot this time around, Georgia voters still have some big decisions to make in primary elections. Voters are returning to the polls Tuesday nearly three months after the state held its presidential primaries.

Richard Bammer: GOP brinksmanship: Whistling past the graveyard

In similar words, that is the theme of the Education Nation Summit, a three-day gathering, which ended Tuesday at the New York Public Library. The event, sponsored by NBC, drew more than 300 of our nation's top thought leaders in education, government, business, philanthropy and media.