Perspective: Restoring – regular order’ in Congress

Each year, as Congress works through the appropriations process, the term "regular order" is often used. Regular order means the House and Senate both passing 12 individual bills to fund the various branches and agencies that make up the federal government instead of one massive omnibus spending bill at the end of the year.

U.S. House Considers Adding Volcker Rule Shift to Budget Bill

Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering whether to add a measure that would ease one of Wall Street's most hated post-financial crisis rules to a must-pass spending bill, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. The move to change the Volcker Rule's ban on proprietary trading may be included in next year's budget for financial regulators, according to the person who asked not to be identified because the final text of the bill hasn't been released.

The (likely) last major act of an anti-spending Congress: a $1.3 trillion budget-busting bill

A copy of the $1.3 trillion spending bill is stacked on a table last week in the Diplomatic Room of the White House. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/The Associated Press A copy of the $1.3 trillion spending bill is stacked on a table last week in the Diplomatic Room of the White House.

Will Eye Care Lobbyists Retain Their Consumer Rights Loophole?

Despite the efforts of many to "drain the swamp" of special interests, lobbyists are still making gains in President Donald J. Trump's Washington. While members of the House of Representatives are showing progress in fact-checking special interests' claims, crony influence peddlers still have one piece of valuable leverage on their side: the limited time on members' clocks.

SC Rep. Trey Gowdy tapped for House oversight chairman

In this April 4, 2017, file photo, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., speaks during a hearing of the House Judiciary subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, on Capitol Hill, in Washington. Gowdy has been tapped to lead the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after Chairman Jason Chaffetz leaves Congress at the end of month.

Sen. Thom Tillis has seizure during race

North Carolina Republican Sen. Thom Tillis had a seizure Wednesday morning while running in the annual American Council of Life Capital Challenge race in Washington, a race organizer told CNN. Tillis was transported to George Washington University Hospital, event spokesperson Jeff Darman said, and his status remains uncertain at this time.

Report: Republicans who backed failed health bill to get ad boost

The lamp remains illuminated in the top of the Capitol Dome in Washington before dawn Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017, indicating that the Senate was still at work as Democrats remained on the floor overnight to oppose the confirmation of Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos. The Senate is poised to confirm President Donald Trump's controversial nominee by the narrowest possible margin, with Vice President Mike Pence expected to break a 50-50 tie.

Richard Bammer: GOP brinksmanship: Whistling past the graveyard

In similar words, that is the theme of the Education Nation Summit, a three-day gathering, which ended Tuesday at the New York Public Library. The event, sponsored by NBC, drew more than 300 of our nation's top thought leaders in education, government, business, philanthropy and media.