Morning Headlines: UH Accused of Stalling Settlement; Big Fun Stays Open With Candy Shop Merger

Students mark 19 years since Columbine with walkouts supporting gun control Ohio students are once again preparing to walkout of their classrooms in support of stricter gun laws. The Friday walkouts, protests and marches will mark the 19th anniversary of the Columbine school shooting, where 13 people were killed.

Report: Republicans who backed failed health bill to get ad boost

The lamp remains illuminated in the top of the Capitol Dome in Washington before dawn Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017, indicating that the Senate was still at work as Democrats remained on the floor overnight to oppose the confirmation of Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos. The Senate is poised to confirm President Donald Trump's controversial nominee by the narrowest possible margin, with Vice President Mike Pence expected to break a 50-50 tie.

Ohio members of Congress want Lake Erie progress to continue

Ohioans on Capitol Hill in Washington are asking the incoming administration to keep up with efforts aimed at improving Lake Erie. Democratic Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur and Republican David Joyce are among four dozen members of Congress who sent a letter this week asking for continued support for research into harmful algae blooms.

The stakes are high in 10 Maine Senate primaries

AUGUSTA, Maine - Maine legislative primaries are often easy to overlook, but the 10 Maine Senate nominations to be decided on June 14 will either alter the campaign calculus for determining control of the next Senate or pick runaway general election favorites. - Sen. Earle McCormick, R-West Gardiner, is leaving his seat, with Gardiner City Councilor Maureen Blanchard facing retired U.S. Navy Rear Adm.