Hickenlooper says moderation is best path for Democrats

Gov. John Hickenlooper at a July 6 press conference on the Lake Christine fire in El Jebel with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, back left and Sen. Cory Gardner, right. Gov. John Hickenlooper at a July 6 press conference on the Lake Christine fire in El Jebel with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, back left and Sen. Cory Gardner, right.

Advance voting begins Monday

Advance Voting starts this Monday, April 30 in the Elections Office on the first floor of the Douglas County Courthouse from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday through May 18. The courthouse will also be the site of Saturday voting on May 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For those who don't take advantage of Advance Voting, all regular polling places will be open on Election Day, May 22, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Locally, voters who choose a Democratic ballot will have a choice between Sonya Compton, Rudy Harris and Christina Peterson in a countywide race for solicitor general. The winner of the Democratic primary will move on to the Nov. 6 general election to face incumbent Matthew Krull, who has no opposition in the Republican primary.

Equifax not off the hook for devastating breach, lawmakers say

Equifax is not off the hook for its massive 2017 data breach, lawmakers told FOX Business, despite a noticeable lack of progress on new legislation. Lawmakers conducted a series of hearings on Capitol Hill throughout the final months of 2017, which featured former Equifax CEO Richard Smith and Interim CEO Paulino do Rego Barros Jr., as well as a slew of expert witnesses.

Interior legislators respond to lingering per diem question

Legislators are under fire for per diem costs again as figures have been released showing the state has paid almost $400,000 for living costs since the start of the first regular session on Jan. 17. During the first four-month session, nearly all state lawmakers took the same amount of per diem, between $213 to $295 per day, costing $30,949 between ... (more)

Bills crucial to protect voting systems, integrity of elections

In the wake of the DNC server hack and well-documented efforts by states to suppress the vote, citizens are rightly concerned about the accuracy and access of our voting systems. We must work to reduce the vulnerability of our crucial voting systems, protect the security and integrity of our electoral process, and ensure all Americans have the opportunity to vote.

Schwartz takes Tipton’s fire over coal

Former state Sen. Gail Schwartz at the Club 20 Colorado 3rd Congressional District debate Staurday night at Two Rivers Convention Center. Former State Sen. Gail Schwartz, the challenger to U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Colo., portrayed him Saturday as "part of the problem" in a do-nothing Congress, then agreed with him on the plan to pipe natural gas from Colorado to Oregon and praised his handling of forest-health issues.

Lousy Democrat David Scott gives $1,000 donation to vulnerable Republican congresswoman in Utah

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, which is frightening.We must make sure his hateful rhetoric does not even come close... Donald Trump has gone too far with his attacks on Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son Army Capt. Humayun Khan... A Donald Trump White House would be a disaster, and this goes way beyond any ideological difference.

Trump-Clinton race tests Senate race in reliably GOP Georgia

Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson insists he won't be a "volunteer apologist" for Donald Trump or anyone else who utters something stupid, but that defiant independence is being sorely tested by the GOP presidential nominee's sinking support and Democrat Hillary Clinton's push into surprisingly competitive Georgia. The down-ballot Senate race involving the affable, two-term Isakson wasn't ranked as poachable for Democrats despite the changing demographics in the southern state and the higher, diverse turnout of a presidential election year.