Senate Dems lose health care vote, hope it’s campaign fodder

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., points to a reporter as he speaks to media after the Democratic policy luncheon on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018, in Washington. Senate Democrats briefly turned the chamber's subject to health care Wednesday, just four days after lawmakers' nasty war over confirming Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Cory Gardner’s wife receives text showing beheading before senator’s vote to confirm Kavanaugh

The wife of Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colorado, was texted a disturbing video of a beheading and the addresses of Gardner family members were released hours before Gardner voted Saturday to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. The video was first reported by Fox News.

Kavanaugh Denies Two Additional Accusations to Senate Judiciary Committee

Republican investigators for the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday asked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about two new allegations against him, according to a transcript of a conference call released by the committee. In the transcript released Wednesday, Kavanaugh denied an allegation that he assaulted a woman he was dating in 1998 while working for independent counsel Ken Starr that investigators said stemmed from an anonymous complaint sent to Colorado GOP Sen. Cory Gardner.

Brett Kavanaugh denies Two More sex attack claims

Brett Kavanaugh denies TWO MORE sex attack claims - including anonymous allegation he drunkenly pushed woman against a wall when he was investigating Bill Clinton Two new cases surfaced Wednesday in transcripts of phone interviews between Kavanaugh and Senate aides, both of them with no one's name attached One allegation, lodged anonymously, is that Kavanaugh 'sexually' shoved a woman up against a wall after leaving a bar with her in 1998 That correspondes to the period when Kavanaugh was a staff attorney working for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr during the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal Neither accusation can be corroborated because there are no firm details, and Kavanaugh denies it all as 'made up,' 'ridiculous' and 'total Twilight Zone' Senate investigators questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about two new claims of sexual misconduct, including one from an anonymous ... (more)

Sen. Cory Gardner Tweets Support For Sen. John McCain

DENVER - Sen. Cory Gardner tweeted a supporting message to his colleague and friend Sen. John McCain after the family announced that the long-time senator was discontinuing medical treatment for brain cancer. "My family is deeply appreciative of all the love and generosity you have shown us during this past year," she tweeted.

Is it a problem when voters think the election will be rigged?

President Donald Trump's advisers are starting to evidence anxiety about the Russians efforts to interfere with the upcoming election. At the National Cybersecurity Summit on Tuesday, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen told the audience, "Two years ago, a foreign power launched a brazen, multi-faceted influence campaign .

Senators unveil bill to stop visas, bring criminal charges for Russian election meddling

Senators announced legislation Thursday to impose a new set of sanctions on Russia, seeking to warn Moscow against future meddling while also reassuring European allies of American support, notwithstanding President Trump's unpredictable approach to them. The bill harnesses economic sanctions, U.S. immigration law, federal prosecutors and international treaties to try to pressure Russian leaders into a more cooperative stance on the world stage.

Could a new state agency regulate medical marijuana?

During the second meeting of a bipartisan legislative working group, lawmakers and marijuana advocates spent four hours Wednesday discussing the next steps for medical cannabis regulations, including the potential creation of an independent state agency that would have oversight and regulatory control of the marijuana industry. Committee members asked a wide array of questions of some of the state's most influential marijuana advocacy groups - Green the Vote, New Health Solutions and Oklahomans for Health - ranging from growing and cultivation to the apparent clash between federal and state laws.

Colorado cleans up after storm spawns at least 3 tornadoes

This Sunday, July 29, 2018, photo provided by Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner shows damage from a storm just after it hit the area near Brush, Colo. People on the plains of northeastern Colorado were cleaning up Monday from a powerful storm that swept through the state, ripping off roofs, flipping trucks and damaging crops.

Hickenlooper says moderation is best path for Democrats

Gov. John Hickenlooper at a July 6 press conference on the Lake Christine fire in El Jebel with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, back left and Sen. Cory Gardner, right. Gov. John Hickenlooper at a July 6 press conference on the Lake Christine fire in El Jebel with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, back left and Sen. Cory Gardner, right.

What’s in the Rubio-Van Hollen sanctions bill

Legislation proposed by Florida's Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and Maryland's Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen gained eight new cosponsors on Thursday, the same day senators and the White House clashed over how to handle Russia and US relations. The legislation was originally proposed in January but gained new prominence after President Donald Trump's one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland on Monday -- and after the White House temporarily entertained the idea of sending US officials to be interrogated by Russians in exchange for Russian cooperation with the investigation into its interference in the 2016 US election.

Trump dials back remarks about Russia, says it meddled and he misspoke

Blistered by bipartisan condemnation of his embrace of a longtime U.S. enemy, President Donald Trump sought Tuesday to "clarify" his public undermining of American intelligence agencies, saying he had misspoken when he said he saw no reason to believe Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. election. "The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia.'

Senators want probe of cyberattacks targeting family members of deployed servicemembers

Investigators believe it was Russian computer hackers who harassed U.S. military families in 2015 while pretending to be Islamic jihadists, and Sens. Cory Gardner and Ron Wyden are asking the Justice Department to confirm and help protect U.S. veterans and their families from future attacks. Gardner, R-Colo., and Wyden, D-Ore., sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday recounting how the wives and families of U.S. servicemen overseas were harassed by computer hacks and threatening messages in 2015.

Interest Groups Rush to Sway Senators on Kavanaugh Nomination

Brett Kavanaugh walks through the U.S. Capitol before a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, not pictured, in Washington, D.C., on July 10, 2018. The GOP's race to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is sparking a furious battle between liberal and conservative groups to sway half a dozen pivotal senators who are giving little hint of how they'll vote.

Colorado lawmakers want to make it a felony to fly a drone over a wildfire

People caught flying a drone over a wildfire could face federal felony charges if three of Colorado's federal lawmakers convince Congress to pass their bill. Sens. Cory Gardner , Michael Bennet and Rep. Scott Tipton introduced the Securing Airspace For Emergency Responders Act Wednesday.

Seattle Times: Trump should back off states with legal pot a ” and…

On [June 8], the president said he “probably will end up supporting” a bill in Congress to keep the federal government from interfering in states with legal pot laws. The president must not leave legal marijuana states yo-yoing between his vague words of support and Attorney General Jeff Sessions' marijuana-averse statements and policies.

On Marijuana, Elizabeth Warren Discovers She Agrees With Clarence Thomas

Senator Warren is in the headlines for joining with Senator Cory Gardner to introduce the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act. That legislation would, as Warren put it in a tweet , "let states, territories, & tribes decide for themselves how best to regulate marijuana-without federal interference."

Trump Signals Support for Legislation Ending Federal Ban on Marijuana

President Donald Trump said Friday that he's inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation's legal landscape for pot users and businesses. The federal ban that puts marijuana on the same level as LSD and heroin has created a conflict with more than two dozen states that have legalized pot in some form.

Trump signals support for states deciding if pot is legal

President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation's legal landscape for pot users and businesses. The federal ban that puts marijuana on the same level as LSD and heroin has created a conflict with about 30 states that have legalized pot in some form, creating a two-tiered enforcement system at the state and federal levels.