Harold romps, Raoul declares victory in attorney general races

Photo courtesy of the Sun-Times/Tyler LaRiviereErika Harold Republican candidate for Attorney General in Illinois looks over polling data with her father Robert Harold and sister Alexandra Domercant , at the Palmer House Hilton Tuesday, March 20, 2018, in Chicago. In the race for Illinois attorney general, former Miss America Erika Harold of downstate Urbana won the Republican nomination while State Rep. Kwame Raoul of Chicago declared victory in the Democratic primary.

Republicans toss Quinn’s remap reform proposal

Whenever you see a statement from the Democratic Party of Illinois, you can feel supremely confident that House Speaker Michael Madigan, the party's longtime chairman, approves of the sentiment. And the same goes for the Illinois Republican Party and Gov. Bruce Rauner, who accounts for 95 percent of the party's total fundraising since January 1st.