Morning Spin: Ex-federal prosecutor to review Illinois House…

House Speaker Michael Madigan listens during a legislative session on Aug. 28, 2017, at the State Capitol. A former federal prosecutor will conduct a review of operations of the Illinois House after sexual harassment allegations lodged against aides and allies of Madigan.

Ex-Illinois US Rep. Schock pleads not guilty to funds misuse

Former Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock, who just two years ago was the future face of the Republican Party, pleaded not guilty Monday in federal court to charges that he misused government and campaign money for personal use. The 35-year-old Republican from Peoria pronounced his plea and gave short answers to questions by U.S. District Judge Sue Myerscough, who set a trial date of Feb. 7. Appearing calm and dressed in a dark suit with thin stripes, the one-time formidable fundraiser and rising GOP star faces federal corruption charges alleging he used his position to spend lavishly on travel, World Series and Super Bowl tickets and other amenities of an extravagant lifestyle.

Republicans toss Quinn’s remap reform proposal

Whenever you see a statement from the Democratic Party of Illinois, you can feel supremely confident that House Speaker Michael Madigan, the party's longtime chairman, approves of the sentiment. And the same goes for the Illinois Republican Party and Gov. Bruce Rauner, who accounts for 95 percent of the party's total fundraising since January 1st.