Donald Trump’s ‘To Be Determined’ Approach Threatens the Democractic Ideal

Only the naive have ever believed that democracy is solely a noble contest over competing ideas, proposals and solutions. Emotion looms large in every human decision, including how we cast our ballots, and smart politicians have always blended appeals to the heart and the gut with their entreaties to reason.

Dionne: Donald Trump, immigration and cynicism

Only the naive have ever believed that democracy is solely a noble contest over competing ideas, proposals and solutions. Emotion looms large in every human decision, including how we cast our ballots, and smart politicians have always blended appeals to the heart and the gut with their entreaties to reason.

5 things to know about the Dakota Access Pipeline

In what looks to be a possible sequel to the Keystone XL Pipeline dispute, another fight has begun over a proposed US oil route. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has sued the federal government, saying the Native American tribe was not properly consulted over the project to construct a 1,168-mile crude oil pipeline that extends over four states.

How the Machine That Created Barack Obama Keeps Power in Illinoisby…

Spendthrift and incompetent government has turned Illinois into a basket case. Barack Obama's adopted state ranks 47th in the nation in fiscal health ; and, as the Huffington Post reported in March, it's dead last in how much it leaves in the pockets of middle-class taxpayers.

Illinois redistricting referendum won’t appear on ballot

The Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday a voter referendum seeking to change the system Illinois uses to draw political boundaries is unconstitutional, making it ineligible to appear on the November ballot. The 4-3 decision, which affirmed a Cook County circuit court judge's ruling, said the measure giving the power to draw legislative maps to an independent commission instead of lawmakers didn't meet constitutional muster.

Morning Spin: Why Rauner fears teacher pension board vote

Welcome to Clout Street: Morning Spin, our weekday feature to catch you up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield. The board that oversees the Teachers Retirement System is scheduled to vote on whether to lower the expected rate of return on investments, a move Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner 's office has warned could blow a massive hole into the state's already shaky finances.

Prices up, choices down on Illinois health insurance market

CHICAGO – Higher prices and fewer choices on the Illinois marketplace under President Barack Obama's health insurance law will make choosing a plan for 2017 a potentially frustrating experience for families who buy their own coverage, according to information released Wednesday by the Illinois Department of Insurance. Statewide, an average price increase of 43 percent is ahead for a popular type of middle-tier coverage used as a benchmark under the health law, the department said.

Lawyer tells court Blagojevich to appeal prison sentence

Rod Blagojevich's lawyer has notified a federal court that the imprisoned former Illinois governor plans to appeal his 14-year sentence for corruption imposed at a resentencing earlier this month. Leonard Goodman filed the brief notice with U.S. District Court in Chicago Tuesday informing sentencing Judge James Zagel that the 59-year-old Democrat will appeal to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kirk on Iran: Obama acting like ‘drug dealer in chief’

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk criticized President Barack Obama for delivering money to the Iranian government in coordination with the release of Americans being held prisoner there -- saying he was "acting like the drug dealer in chief." The comments came in a sit-down last week with the editorial board of The State Journal-Register, according to the Illinois paper's political writer.

Rauner vetoes automatic voter sign-up, cites fraud concerns

Gov. Bruce Rauner vetoed automatic voter registration in Illinois Friday, saying that despite overwhelming support in the General Assembly, the legislation doesn't do enough to safeguard against fraud. Although embracing the concept and pledging to work on revisions, the Republican's veto message battered the plan for what he perceives as weaknesses that invite breakdowns in the system's integrity.

FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Remark on Kennedy’s Killing Stirs…

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton defended staying in the Democratic nominating contest on Friday by pointing out that her husband had not wrapped up the nomination until June 1992, adding, "We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California." Her remarks were met with quick criticism from the campaign of Senator Barack Obama, and within hours of making them Mrs. Clinton expressed regret, saying, "The Kennedys have been much on my mind the last days because of Senator Kennedy," referring to the recent diagnosis of Senator Edward M. Kennedy's brain tumor.

Judge imposes same 14-year prison term for Blagojevich at resentencing

A lawyer for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says now that a judge has declined to lighten Blagojevich's 14-year prison sentence, he may again appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Defense attorney Leonard Goodman said Tuesday the decision of whether to appeal will be up to Blagojevich, adding "I don't see why he wouldn't."

Judge may cut ex-Illinois Gov. Blagojevich’s prison term

A federal judge will decide Tuesday whether to cut ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's 14-year prison sentence on more than a dozen convictions upheld by an appellate court, including that he sought to exchange an appointment to President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat in exchange for campaign cash. Blagojevich, known as Inmate No.

Bill Clinton sports Hebrew ‘Hillary’ button at convention

There was a thrill ride on Jewish Democratic social media Wednesday night when Bill Clinton was spotted at the Democratic National Convention sporting a button backing his wife in Hebrew. Robert Wexler, a former Democratic congressman, indulged in a little partisan kvelling when he appeared Thursday with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer on a panel.

The Latest: Police: San Diego officers shot in traffic stop

Powerball players will have a shot at the nation's eighth-largest lottery jackpot this weekend, but they'll face long odds that have resulted in nearly three months without a winner. Powerball players will have a shot at the nation's eighth-largest lottery jackpot this weekend, but they'll face long odds that have led to nearly three months without a winner.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves to the crowd…

Philadelphia a A year ago, it would have been laughable to even suggest Democrats could take Utah in a presidential race. It has been more than two generations - 52 years - since the Beehive State went blue and only once in subsequent presidential elections has the Democratic nominee won more than a third of the state's vote - and only by a whisker.

Prosecutors: Rod Blagojevich isn’t ‘deserving of leniency’

Federal prosecutors say statements that imprisoned former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has made prove he isn't "deserving of leniency." A resentencing hearing is scheduled next month for Blagojevich, who is hoping a federal judge will give him a five-year sentence instead of his original 14 years.