Sente Votes To Begin Farm Bill Conference, Names Conferees

SENTE VOTES TO BEGIN FARM BILL CONFERENCE, NAMES CONFEREES Aug. 2, 2018 Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry news release U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., are pleased the Senate has voted to move forward with the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Committee. The Senators also applauded the announcement of the Senators who will serve on the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Committee.

Trump plans emergency aid to farmers affected by his tariffs

The U.S. readied a plan Tuesday to send billions in emergency aid to farmers who have been hurt by President Donald Trump's trade disputes with China and other American trading partners. The Agriculture Department was expected to announce the proposal that would include direct assistance and other temporary relief for farmers, according to two people briefed on the plan, who were not authorized to speak on the record.

Corn growers give President’s Award to N.D. senatorSen. Hoeven serves …

National Corn Growers Association President Kevin Skunes presented NCGA's 2018 President's Award to North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven. The President's Award is given annually at NCGA's Corn Congress meeting in Washington to a leader who has worked to advance issues important to corn growers and agriculture.

Nat’l Cattlemen’s Beef Assn Issues Statement On Modernizing Ag Transportation Act

NAT'L CATTLEMEN'S BEEF ASSN ISSUES STATEMENT ON MODERNIZING AG TRANSPORTATION ACT Jun. 13, 2018 National Cattlemen's Beef Association reports: National Cattlemen's Beef Association President Kevin Kester today issued the following statement in response to the introduction of the Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act in the U.S. Senate: "The National Cattlemen's Beef Association and the producers we represent are glad to see another bipartisan effort designed to provide much-needed relief for livestock haulers.

Legislation would make attack aboard train federal crime

U.S. Sens. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois and John Hoeven of North Dakota marked the anniversary of the shooting of an Amtrak conductor in suburban Chicago with the introduction of legislation that would make such an attack a federal crime. On Wednesday, the Democrat Duckworth and the Republican Hoeven introduced the Passenger Rail Crew Protection Parity Act that calls for those suspected of assaulting or intimidating rail crewmembers to be charged under federal law.

US Senate panel moves Keystone bill forward, despite White House veto threat

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., left, GOP sponsor of the long-stalled Keystone XL pipeline bill, is joined by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., right, as he makes his case at the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee during a markup to advance a bill to the floor, Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, on Capitol Hill in Washington. WASHINGTON - A bill to approve the Canada-U.S. Keystone XL oil pipeline cleared a key Senate committee Thursday, setting up a fight next week pitting newly empowered Republicans against President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats.


Hoeven: Sen. John Hoeven released the following statement after voting for a continuing resolution to keep the government operating and make sure the military gets paid. The legislation provides a long-term, six-year reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program to ensure that states, including those running out of funding in January, can continue to provide children with health care.

ND senators vote to confirm Homeland Security Secretary

North Dakota's U.S. senators voted with a bipartisan majority to confirm Kirstjen Nielsen as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Tuesday. "During Kirstjen Nielsen's nomination process, she committed to me that she would prioritize security improvements along our Northern Border - including quickly implementing the new Northern Border Strategy that came as a result of my bipartisan bill being signed into law," "Nielsen also brings important expertise on cybersecurity to her new position.

ND could be one of the most affected states if US withdraws from NAFTA

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a list of the states most likely to be negatively affected if the U.S. withdraws from the North American Free Trade Agreement, placing North Dakota at third, behind only Michigan and Wisconsin. "Absolutely," says Lindsey Warner, director of marketing and events at NDTO.

Senate Republicans unveil their own tax plan

Senate Republicans released their own version of a tax plan Thursday, and it varies just enough from the House's bill to set the two chambers up for a dramatic showdown over tax policy in upcoming weeks. The Senate tax bill includes more individual tax brackets than the House bill as well as fully repeals the state and local tax deduction, which has become a must-save item for moderate Republicans in the House.

Senate committee supports flood protection projects

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Energy and Water has approved Fiscal Year 2018 funding legislation supporting comprehensive flood protection for Minot and other communities in North Dakota, Sen. John Hoeven, a member of the committee, announced Friday. "We have secured provisions that will help prevent bureaucratic delays in modifying projects and ensure public-private partnerships receive due credit for the private investment.

McCain absence adds to GOP agenda’s uncertainty

The Arizona Republican's diagnosis of brain cancer shook political Washington - where the 80-year-old senator is deeply respected by both parties - and sparked an outpouring of support from friends and political opponents alike. While the focus has been on McCain's health, his absence also has repercussions for the Republican effort to repeal ObamaCare.

Words of support from Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton

Several Republican senators learned of the news during a meeting about health care, North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven told CNN, adding that there was "stunned disbelief" in the room and they prayed for McCain." Senator John McCain has always been a fighter," President Donald Trump said in a statement.