Group targets Forsyth GOP legislator over vote to override veto

State Rep. Bill Mitchell is one of 16 state representatives being targeted by the Americans for Prosperity-Illinois for voting to override Gov. Bruce Rauner's veto of a 32 percent income tax increase. The AFP-Illinois says it will run online ads and distribute mail pieces, as well as "our grass-roots presence," to hit Mitchell and the others for the tax increase vote earlier this month.

Durbin, Duckworth: Plainfield tank car derailment a wake-up call for DOT

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth today called on U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to do more to prevent railroad tank car accidents like the one in Plainfield, Illinois on June 30, 2017, in which multiple rail cars on a Canadian National train carrying crude oil derailed, causing an estimated 45,000 gallons of oil to leak out of the tank cars. "We are extremely grateful for the hard work of Plainfield's first responders, who were able to contain the spill and prevent any injuries or deaths as a result of the incident," the Senators wrote in a letter to Secretary Chao.

Illinois Senate nixes vetoes of budget plan with tax hike

The Illinois Senate voted Tuesday to override Gov. Bruce Rauner's vetoes of a $36 billion budget package fueled by a $5 billion tax increase designed to start digging out of the nation's deepest budget crisis since at least the Great Depression. The Democratic-controlled chamber completed its work within 30 minutes of the Republican governor's vetoes, sending the package back to the House for an override vote that would give Illinois its first annual budget since 2015.

Ill. gov. vetoes income tax hike; Senate votes to override

The Illinois Senate voted Tuesday to override Gov. Bruce Rauner's vetoes of a $36 billion budget package fueled by a $5 billion tax increase designed to start digging out of the nation's deepest budget crisis since at least the Great Depression. The Democratic-controlled chamber completed its work within 30 minutes of the Republican governor's vetoes, sending the package back to the House for an override vote that would give Illinois its first annual budget since 2015.

The Latest: Ill. House speaker vows override of budget veto

The Latest on a legislative session on Illinois' budget as the state enters a third straight year without a spending plan : The Illinois Senate has adjourned without taking action on House-approved legislation to break the nation's longest budget standoff since the Great Depression. Chicago Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan has scheduled a meeting of the four legislative leaders for the same time.

Illinois House passes $5 billion tax package, spending plan

Illinois' Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed big, permanent increases in income tax rates and a $36 billion fiscal 2018 spending plan on Sunday with the help of some Republican votes as the cash-strapped state scrambled to stave off a bond rating downgrade to junk. The $5 billion tax package, which passed in a 72-45 vote and drew an immediate veto threat from Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, would boost the personal income tax rate to 4.95 percent from 3.75 percent and the corporate rate to 7 percent from 5.25 percent.

Rauner, lawmakers working holiday weekend as major obstacles remain to deal

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, asked New York bond rating agencies on Friday to hold off on downgrading the state's credit rating to junk status as budget negotiations continued. Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, asked New York bond rating agencies on Friday to hold off on downgrading the state's credit rating to junk status as budget negotiations continued.

Madigan offers budget, but won’t say how he’d fund it

That prompted Republicans backed by Gov. Bruce Rauner to accuse Democrats of refusing to "show their cards" on a tax increase, saying without details it's impossible to tell if Madigan's blueprint was balanced. With a Friday deadline looming to strike an agreement before Illinois government enters a third-straight year without a budget, both political parties appear to be locked in a high-stakes game of chicken.

Illinois General Assembly Leaves Industry in Limbo

June 21, 2017 - The legislative road in Illinois has certainly had its ups and downs in the last General Assembly, and our fight to reinstate the Graphics Arts Sales Tax Exemption and the Manufacturers Purchase Credit continues. The Great Lakes Graphics Association along with the Illinois Press Association and the Illinois Manufacturers Association are building a solid case to bring back these critical tax incentives that the printing industry once had in Illinois.

A look at Illinois’ budget mess as lawmakers head to Capitol

Already holding the title for longest state budget stalemate, Illinois is poised to enter a third year without a spending plan as the feud between Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrats controlling the Legislature drags on. Lawmakers blew past a budget deadline last month, triggering a requirement that any new budget vote be by three-fifths instead of a majority.

Illinois congressman displays shrapnel as he urges: ‘Tone down this rhetoric’

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., describes for reporters on Capitol Hill the scene during a shooting at a congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Va., on June 14, 2017. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., describes for reporters on Capitol Hill the scene during a shooting at a congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Va., on June 14, 2017.