Corporate raiders ruined lives as they destroyed Toys ‘R’ Us, politicians say

Following the announcement that bankrupt Toys 'R Us would close all its stores and layoff its 33,000 employees -- including 11 outlets and 1,600 people at its New Jersey headquarters -- the state's two U.S. senators and a House colleague on Friday called on the chain's owners to "support" those workers any way they can. "We write to urge you to do everything in your power to support the thousands of Toys 'R' Us workers who will soon lose their jobs as the company closes its doors," it was stated in a letter dated June 1 and signed by Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, plus U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell .

“Joy” or “hope”? Holiday giving may depend on how you voted

A divisive election that left half the country deflated and the other half rejuvenated could reverberate through the holiday shopping season in the kind of gifts people are giving or how much they spend. Some retailers say they have seen a surge in feel-good items such as spa treatments, candles and comfort food, while executives at some major retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Macy's, have said there's no discernable shift in consumer behavior since the presidential election won by Republican Donald Trump.