Sen. Hatch jokes he was behind Nickelback prank on Sen. Sasse

Orrin Hatch Sen. Hatch jokes he was behind Nickelback prank on Sen. Sasse Utah GOP narrows field for Chaffetz seat GOP chairman seeks tax reform recommendations MORE joked on Twitter that he was the prankster who signed Sen. Ben Sasse up for email subscriptions about the band Nickelback. "Just didn't want you to miss this.

Town Punishes Drunk Drivers with Nickelback

The town of Kensington, Canada, has issued a harrowing warning to residents who might drive drunk over the holiday season, telling them that when they're caught the punishment will be particularly cruel. The police announced on Facebook , "On top of a hefty fine, a criminal charge and a year's driving suspension we will also provide you with a bonus gift of playing the office's copy of Nickelback in the cruiser on the way to jail."