Operators in Fatal Duck Boat Accident Say They Owe Families Nothing, Citing Obscure 1851 Law

Two companies that operated the Missouri tourist boat that sank during a storm in July , killing 17 people, have invoked a 19th century federal maritime law to claim that they owe no money to the victims' family members who have filed multiple lawsuits. The operators, Ripley Entertainment and Branson Duck Vehicles, filed a lawsuit in federal court on Monday, seeking to take advantage of an 1851 law that could limit their financial liability to the duck boat's value after the crash and any cargo that was on board.

Hundreds mourn father, children killed in sinking of duck boat

A father and three children who were among nine members of a close-knit Indiana family killed in a tourist boat accident were remembered Friday during a nearly three-hour service attended by hundreds who showed up to support their surviving relatives. Governor Eric Holcomb, first lady Janet Holcomb, and US Representative Andre Carson were among the dignitaries attending funeral services at Grace Apostolic Church for 40-year-old Glenn Coleman, 9-year-old Reece, 7-year-old Evan, and 1-year-old Arya.

Captain told us not to wear life jackets, says duckboat survivor who lost NINE of her family

'As a former KBG spy, he knows how to manipulate': Hillary Clinton hints that Putin played Trump during the Helsinki summit and questions why the president has not 'spoken up for our country' Captain told us it was safe not to wear life jackets, says duckboat survivor who lost NINE of her family Passengers on a tour boat that sunk, killing 17 people - including nine from one family, four of them aged under ten - were told it was safe not to wear life jackets, a survivor said. Tia Coleman, who lost all her children in the tragedy, said: 'The captain told us, "Don't worry about grabbing the life jackets, you won't need them."

It could take a year to get answers on the duck boat tragedy, official says

The investigation into the sinking of a duck boat that killed 17 people in southwestern Missouri --- including nine from one family -- could take up to a year to complete, the National Transportation Safety Board said. The Ride the Ducks Branson amphibious tour boat had 31 aboard when it sank Thursday evening during an intense squall on Table Rock Lake near Branson.

Names of those 17 killed in Table Rock Lake boat accident…

BRANSON, Mo.: More than half of the 17 people killed when a tourist boat sank on a Branson lake were members of the same Indiana family, and they likely would not have been on the ill-fated trip but for a ticket mix-up. Tracy Beck, of Kansas City, Missouri, said she recalled the family members waiting in line.

The Latest: Boat victims mourned

It's been five months since they have seen their infant son Johan Bueso Castillo who was separ... A Honduran man who was separated from his baby son at the Texas border and then deported without him soon will hold the boy again. A Honduran man who was separated from his baby son at the Texas border and then deported without him soon will hold the boy again.