Migrants From Central American Caravan Caught Scaling The Border Fences

The caravan of migrants from Central America seeking asylum in the U.S. has arrived at the border, and some people associated with the group have already been caught scaling the border fences. "Several groups of people associated with the Central American caravan" illegally entered the U.S. "by climbing over the dilapidated scrap metal border fence on either side of the San Ysidro Port of Entry," Rodney S. Scott, chief of the Border Patrol in the San Diego sector, which sits just north of Tijuana, told reporters Saturday.

Right from Wrong: Note to Israelis: The US is not racist

Since Donald Trump won the US presidential election last month, Israelis have been engaged in a heated debate about how the victory of the billionaire businessman who gets into fights on Twitter will affect the Jewish state. The Left, which has been fawning over Barack Obama for eight years, has been attributing all the ills of his country and the world during this period to a combination of piggish capitalism and racism ostensibly so indigenous to America that even the Great Black Hope was unable to stomp them out.